dohq_teamcity.models package


dohq_teamcity.models.agent module

class dohq_teamcity.models.agent.Agent(id=None, name=None, type_id=None, connected=False, enabled=False, authorized=False, uptodate=False, ip=None, protocol=None, version=None, last_activity_time=None, disconnection_comment=None, href=None, web_url=None, build=None, links=None, enabled_info=None, authorized_info=None, properties=None, environment=None, pool=None, compatible_build_types=None, incompatible_build_types=None, locator=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'authorized': 'authorized', 'authorized_info': 'authorizedInfo', 'build': 'build', 'compatible_build_types': 'compatibleBuildTypes', 'connected': 'connected', 'disconnection_comment': 'disconnectionComment', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'enabled_info': 'enabledInfo', 'environment': 'environment', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'incompatible_build_types': 'incompatibleBuildTypes', 'ip': 'ip', 'last_activity_time': 'lastActivityTime', 'links': 'links', 'locator': 'locator', 'name': 'name', 'pool': 'pool', 'properties': 'properties', 'protocol': 'protocol', 'type_id': 'typeId', 'uptodate': 'uptodate', 'version': 'version', 'web_url': 'webUrl'}

Gets the authorized of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The authorized of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the authorized_info of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The authorized_info of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:AuthorizedInfo

Gets the build of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:Build

Gets the compatible_build_types of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The compatible_build_types of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildTypes

Gets the connected of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The connected of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the disconnection_comment of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The disconnection_comment of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the enabled of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The enabled of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the enabled_info of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The enabled_info of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:EnabledInfo

Gets the environment of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The environment of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:Environment

Gets the href of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the incompatible_build_types of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The incompatible_build_types of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:Compatibilities

Gets the ip of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The ip of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the last_activity_time of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The last_activity_time of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the links of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The links of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:Links

Gets the locator of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The locator of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the name of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the pool of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The pool of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:AgentPool

Gets the properties of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the protocol of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The protocol of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'authorized': 'bool', 'authorized_info': 'AuthorizedInfo', 'build': 'Build', 'compatible_build_types': 'BuildTypes', 'connected': 'bool', 'disconnection_comment': 'str', 'enabled': 'bool', 'enabled_info': 'EnabledInfo', 'environment': 'Environment', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'int', 'incompatible_build_types': 'Compatibilities', 'ip': 'str', 'last_activity_time': 'str', 'links': 'Links', 'locator': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'pool': 'AgentPool', 'properties': 'Properties', 'protocol': 'str', 'type_id': 'int', 'uptodate': 'bool', 'version': 'str', 'web_url': 'str'}

Gets the type_id of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type_id of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the uptodate of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The uptodate of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the version of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The version of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the web_url of this Agent. # noqa: E501

Returns:The web_url of this Agent. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.agent_pool module

class dohq_teamcity.models.agent_pool.AgentPool(id=None, name=None, href=None, max_agents=None, projects=None, agents=None, locator=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the agents of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501

Returns:The agents of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501
Return type:Agents
attribute_map = {'agents': 'agents', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'locator': 'locator', 'max_agents': 'maxAgents', 'name': 'name', 'projects': 'projects'}

Gets the href of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the locator of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501

Returns:The locator of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the max_agents of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501

Returns:The max_agents of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the name of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the projects of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501

Returns:The projects of this AgentPool. # noqa: E501
Return type:Projects
swagger_types = {'agents': 'Agents', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'int', 'locator': 'str', 'max_agents': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'projects': 'Projects'}

dohq_teamcity.models.agent_pools module

class dohq_teamcity.models.agent_pools.AgentPools(count=None, href=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, agent_pool=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the agent_pool of this AgentPools. # noqa: E501

Returns:The agent_pool of this AgentPools. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[AgentPool]
attribute_map = {'agent_pool': 'agentPool', 'count': 'count', 'href': 'href', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'prev_href': 'prevHref'}

Gets the count of this AgentPools. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this AgentPools. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this AgentPools. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this AgentPools. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the next_href of this AgentPools. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this AgentPools. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the prev_href of this AgentPools. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this AgentPools. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'agent_pool': 'list[AgentPool]', 'count': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'next_href': 'str', 'prev_href': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.agent_requirement module

class dohq_teamcity.models.agent_requirement.AgentRequirement(id=None, name=None, type=None, disabled=False, inherited=False, href=None, properties=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'disabled': 'disabled', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'inherited': 'inherited', 'name': 'name', 'properties': 'properties', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the disabled of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501

Returns:The disabled of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the href of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the inherited of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501

Returns:The inherited of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the name of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the properties of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties
swagger_types = {'disabled': 'bool', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'inherited': 'bool', 'name': 'str', 'properties': 'Properties', 'type': 'str'}

Gets the type of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this AgentRequirement. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.agent_requirements module

class dohq_teamcity.models.agent_requirements.AgentRequirements(count=None, agent_requirement=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the agent_requirement of this AgentRequirements. # noqa: E501

Returns:The agent_requirement of this AgentRequirements. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[AgentRequirement]
attribute_map = {'agent_requirement': 'agent-requirement', 'count': 'count'}

Gets the count of this AgentRequirements. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this AgentRequirements. # noqa: E501
Return type:int
swagger_types = {'agent_requirement': 'list[AgentRequirement]', 'count': 'int'}

dohq_teamcity.models.agents module

class dohq_teamcity.models.agents.Agents(count=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, href=None, agent=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the agent of this Agents. # noqa: E501

Returns:The agent of this Agents. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Agent]
attribute_map = {'agent': 'agent', 'count': 'count', 'href': 'href', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'prev_href': 'prevHref'}

Gets the count of this Agents. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Agents. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this Agents. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Agents. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the next_href of this Agents. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this Agents. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the prev_href of this Agents. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this Agents. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'agent': 'list[Agent]', 'count': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'next_href': 'str', 'prev_href': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.artifact_dependencies module

class dohq_teamcity.models.artifact_dependencies.ArtifactDependencies(count=None, artifact_dependency=None, replace=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the artifact_dependency of this ArtifactDependencies. # noqa: E501

Returns:The artifact_dependency of this ArtifactDependencies. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[ArtifactDependency]
attribute_map = {'artifact_dependency': 'artifact-dependency', 'count': 'count', 'replace': 'replace'}

Gets the count of this ArtifactDependencies. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this ArtifactDependencies. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the replace of this ArtifactDependencies. # noqa: E501

Returns:The replace of this ArtifactDependencies. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'artifact_dependency': 'list[ArtifactDependency]', 'count': 'int', 'replace': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.artifact_dependency module

class dohq_teamcity.models.artifact_dependency.ArtifactDependency(id=None, name=None, type=None, disabled=False, inherited=False, href=None, properties=None, source_build_type=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'disabled': 'disabled', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'inherited': 'inherited', 'name': 'name', 'properties': 'properties', 'source_build_type': 'source-buildType', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the disabled of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The disabled of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the href of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the inherited of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The inherited of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the name of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the properties of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the source_build_type of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The source_build_type of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildType
swagger_types = {'disabled': 'bool', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'inherited': 'bool', 'name': 'str', 'properties': 'Properties', 'source_build_type': 'BuildType', 'type': 'str'}

Gets the type of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this ArtifactDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.authorized_info module

class dohq_teamcity.models.authorized_info.AuthorizedInfo(status=False, comment=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'comment': 'comment', 'status': 'status'}

Gets the comment of this AuthorizedInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The comment of this AuthorizedInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:Comment

Gets the status of this AuthorizedInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The status of this AuthorizedInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool
swagger_types = {'comment': 'Comment', 'status': 'bool'}

dohq_teamcity.models.backup_process module

class dohq_teamcity.models.backup_process.BackupProcess(brief_info=None, progress_info=None, process_kind=None, exceptions=None, progress_status=None, process_id=None, finished=False, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'brief_info': 'briefInfo', 'exceptions': 'exceptions', 'finished': 'finished', 'process_id': 'processId', 'process_kind': 'processKind', 'progress_info': 'progressInfo', 'progress_status': 'progressStatus'}

Gets the brief_info of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501

Returns:The brief_info of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501
Return type:BackupProcessInfo

Gets the exceptions of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501

Returns:The exceptions of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Exception]

Gets the finished of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501

Returns:The finished of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the process_id of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501

Returns:The process_id of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the process_kind of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501

Returns:The process_kind of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the progress_info of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501

Returns:The progress_info of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501
Return type:ProgressInfo

Gets the progress_status of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501

Returns:The progress_status of this BackupProcess. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'brief_info': 'BackupProcessInfo', 'exceptions': 'list[Exception]', 'finished': 'bool', 'process_id': 'int', 'process_kind': 'str', 'progress_info': 'ProgressInfo', 'progress_status': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.backup_process_info module

class dohq_teamcity.models.backup_process_info.BackupProcessInfo(start_timestamp=None, finish_timestamp=None, file_size=None, status=None, id=None, file_name=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'file_name': 'fileName', 'file_size': 'fileSize', 'finish_timestamp': 'finishTimestamp', 'id': 'id', 'start_timestamp': 'startTimestamp', 'status': 'status'}

Gets the file_name of this BackupProcessInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The file_name of this BackupProcessInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the file_size of this BackupProcessInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The file_size of this BackupProcessInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the finish_timestamp of this BackupProcessInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The finish_timestamp of this BackupProcessInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:datetime

Gets the id of this BackupProcessInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this BackupProcessInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the start_timestamp of this BackupProcessInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The start_timestamp of this BackupProcessInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:datetime

Gets the status of this BackupProcessInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The status of this BackupProcessInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'file_name': 'str', 'file_size': 'int', 'finish_timestamp': 'datetime', 'id': 'int', 'start_timestamp': 'datetime', 'status': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.backup_process_manager module

class dohq_teamcity.models.backup_process_manager.BackupProcessManager(current_backup_process=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'current_backup_process': 'currentBackupProcess'}

Gets the current_backup_process of this BackupProcessManager. # noqa: E501

Returns:The current_backup_process of this BackupProcessManager. # noqa: E501
Return type:BackupProcess
swagger_types = {'current_backup_process': 'BackupProcess'}

dohq_teamcity.models.branch module

class dohq_teamcity.models.branch.Branch(name=None, internal_name=None, default=False, unspecified=False, active=False, last_activity=None, builds=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the active of this Branch. # noqa: E501

Returns:The active of this Branch. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool
attribute_map = {'active': 'active', 'builds': 'builds', 'default': 'default', 'internal_name': 'internalName', 'last_activity': 'lastActivity', 'name': 'name', 'unspecified': 'unspecified'}

Gets the builds of this Branch. # noqa: E501

Returns:The builds of this Branch. # noqa: E501
Return type:Builds

Gets the default of this Branch. # noqa: E501

Returns:The default of this Branch. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the internal_name of this Branch. # noqa: E501

Returns:The internal_name of this Branch. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the last_activity of this Branch. # noqa: E501

Returns:The last_activity of this Branch. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the name of this Branch. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Branch. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'active': 'bool', 'builds': 'Builds', 'default': 'bool', 'internal_name': 'str', 'last_activity': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'unspecified': 'bool'}

Gets the unspecified of this Branch. # noqa: E501

Returns:The unspecified of this Branch. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

dohq_teamcity.models.branch_version module

class dohq_teamcity.models.branch_version.BranchVersion(version=None, unspecified=False, last_activity=None, builds=None, internal_name=None, active=False, name=None, default=False, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the active of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501

Returns:The active of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool
attribute_map = {'active': 'active', 'builds': 'builds', 'default': 'default', 'internal_name': 'internalName', 'last_activity': 'lastActivity', 'name': 'name', 'unspecified': 'unspecified', 'version': 'version'}

Gets the builds of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501

Returns:The builds of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501
Return type:Builds

Gets the default of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501

Returns:The default of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the internal_name of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501

Returns:The internal_name of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the last_activity of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501

Returns:The last_activity of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the name of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'active': 'bool', 'builds': 'Builds', 'default': 'bool', 'internal_name': 'str', 'last_activity': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'unspecified': 'bool', 'version': 'str'}

Gets the unspecified of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501

Returns:The unspecified of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the version of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501

Returns:The version of this BranchVersion. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.branches module

class dohq_teamcity.models.branches.Branches(count=None, href=None, branch=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'branch': 'branch', 'count': 'count', 'href': 'href'}

Gets the branch of this Branches. # noqa: E501

Returns:The branch of this Branches. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Branch]

Gets the count of this Branches. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Branches. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this Branches. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Branches. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'branch': 'list[Branch]', 'count': 'int', 'href': 'str'} module

class, task_id=None, build_type_id=None, build_type_internal_id=None, number=None, status=None, state=None, running=False, composite=False, failed_to_start=False, personal=False, percentage_complete=None, branch_name=None, default_branch=False, unspecified_branch=False, history=False, pinned=False, href=None, web_url=None, queue_position=None, limited_changes_count=None, artifacts_directory=None, links=None, status_text=None, build_type=None, comment=None, tags=None, pin_info=None, user=None, start_estimate=None, wait_reason=None, running_info=None, canceled_info=None, queued_date=None, start_date=None, finish_date=None, triggered=None, last_changes=None, changes=None, revisions=None, versioned_settings_revision=None, artifact_dependency_changes=None, agent=None, compatible_agents=None, test_occurrences=None, problem_occurrences=None, artifacts=None, related_issues=None, properties=None, resulting_properties=None, attributes=None, statistics=None, metadata=None, snapshot_dependencies=None, artifact_dependencies=None, custom_artifact_dependencies=None, settings_hash=None, current_settings_hash=None, modification_id=None, chain_modification_id=None, replacement_ids=None, related=None, triggering_options=None, used_by_other_builds=False, status_change_comment=None, locator=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the agent of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The agent of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Agent

Gets the artifact_dependencies of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The artifact_dependencies of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Builds

Gets the artifact_dependency_changes of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The artifact_dependency_changes of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildChanges

Gets the artifacts of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The artifacts of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Files

Gets the artifacts_directory of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The artifacts_directory of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
attribute_map = {'agent': 'agent', 'artifact_dependencies': 'artifact-dependencies', 'artifact_dependency_changes': 'artifactDependencyChanges', 'artifacts': 'artifacts', 'artifacts_directory': 'artifactsDirectory', 'attributes': 'attributes', 'branch_name': 'branchName', 'build_type': 'buildType', 'build_type_id': 'buildTypeId', 'build_type_internal_id': 'buildTypeInternalId', 'canceled_info': 'canceledInfo', 'chain_modification_id': 'chainModificationId', 'changes': 'changes', 'comment': 'comment', 'compatible_agents': 'compatibleAgents', 'composite': 'composite', 'current_settings_hash': 'currentSettingsHash', 'custom_artifact_dependencies': 'custom-artifact-dependencies', 'default_branch': 'defaultBranch', 'failed_to_start': 'failedToStart', 'finish_date': 'finishDate', 'history': 'history', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'last_changes': 'lastChanges', 'limited_changes_count': 'limitedChangesCount', 'links': 'links', 'locator': 'locator', 'metadata': 'metadata', 'modification_id': 'modificationId', 'number': 'number', 'percentage_complete': 'percentageComplete', 'personal': 'personal', 'pin_info': 'pinInfo', 'pinned': 'pinned', 'problem_occurrences': 'problemOccurrences', 'properties': 'properties', 'queue_position': 'queuePosition', 'queued_date': 'queuedDate', 'related': 'related', 'related_issues': 'relatedIssues', 'replacement_ids': 'replacementIds', 'resulting_properties': 'resultingProperties', 'revisions': 'revisions', 'running': 'running', 'running_info': 'running-info', 'settings_hash': 'settingsHash', 'snapshot_dependencies': 'snapshot-dependencies', 'start_date': 'startDate', 'start_estimate': 'startEstimate', 'state': 'state', 'statistics': 'statistics', 'status': 'status', 'status_change_comment': 'statusChangeComment', 'status_text': 'statusText', 'tags': 'tags', 'task_id': 'taskId', 'test_occurrences': 'testOccurrences', 'triggered': 'triggered', 'triggering_options': 'triggeringOptions', 'unspecified_branch': 'unspecifiedBranch', 'used_by_other_builds': 'usedByOtherBuilds', 'user': 'user', 'versioned_settings_revision': 'versionedSettingsRevision', 'wait_reason': 'waitReason', 'web_url': 'webUrl'}

Gets the attributes of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The attributes of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Entries

Gets the branch_name of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The branch_name of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the build_type of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_type of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildType

Gets the build_type_id of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_type_id of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the build_type_internal_id of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_type_internal_id of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the canceled_info of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The canceled_info of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Comment

Gets the chain_modification_id of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The chain_modification_id of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the changes of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The changes of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Changes

Gets the comment of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The comment of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Comment

Gets the compatible_agents of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The compatible_agents of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Agents

Gets the composite of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The composite of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the current_settings_hash of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The current_settings_hash of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the custom_artifact_dependencies of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The custom_artifact_dependencies of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:ArtifactDependencies

Gets the default_branch of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The default_branch of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the failed_to_start of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The failed_to_start of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the finish_date of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The finish_date of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the history of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The history of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the href of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the last_changes of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The last_changes of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Changes

Gets the limited_changes_count of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The limited_changes_count of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the links of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The links of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Links

Gets the locator of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The locator of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the metadata of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The metadata of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Datas

Gets the modification_id of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The modification_id of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the number of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The number of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the percentage_complete of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The percentage_complete of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the personal of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The personal of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the pin_info of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The pin_info of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Comment

Gets the pinned of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The pinned of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the problem_occurrences of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The problem_occurrences of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:ProblemOccurrences

Gets the properties of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the queue_position of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The queue_position of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the queued_date of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The queued_date of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the related of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The related of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Related

Gets the related_issues of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The related_issues of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:IssuesUsages

Gets the replacement_ids of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The replacement_ids of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Items

Gets the resulting_properties of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The resulting_properties of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the revisions of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The revisions of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Revisions

Gets the running of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The running of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the running_info of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The running_info of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:ProgressInfo

Gets the settings_hash of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The settings_hash of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the snapshot_dependencies of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The snapshot_dependencies of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Builds

Gets the start_date of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The start_date of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the start_estimate of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The start_estimate of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the state of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The state of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the statistics of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The statistics of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the status of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The status of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the status_change_comment of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The status_change_comment of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Comment

Gets the status_text of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The status_text of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'agent': 'Agent', 'artifact_dependencies': 'Builds', 'artifact_dependency_changes': 'BuildChanges', 'artifacts': 'Files', 'artifacts_directory': 'str', 'attributes': 'Entries', 'branch_name': 'str', 'build_type': 'BuildType', 'build_type_id': 'str', 'build_type_internal_id': 'str', 'canceled_info': 'Comment', 'chain_modification_id': 'str', 'changes': 'Changes', 'comment': 'Comment', 'compatible_agents': 'Agents', 'composite': 'bool', 'current_settings_hash': 'str', 'custom_artifact_dependencies': 'ArtifactDependencies', 'default_branch': 'bool', 'failed_to_start': 'bool', 'finish_date': 'str', 'history': 'bool', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'int', 'last_changes': 'Changes', 'limited_changes_count': 'int', 'links': 'Links', 'locator': 'str', 'metadata': 'Datas', 'modification_id': 'str', 'number': 'str', 'percentage_complete': 'int', 'personal': 'bool', 'pin_info': 'Comment', 'pinned': 'bool', 'problem_occurrences': 'ProblemOccurrences', 'properties': 'Properties', 'queue_position': 'int', 'queued_date': 'str', 'related': 'Related', 'related_issues': 'IssuesUsages', 'replacement_ids': 'Items', 'resulting_properties': 'Properties', 'revisions': 'Revisions', 'running': 'bool', 'running_info': 'ProgressInfo', 'settings_hash': 'str', 'snapshot_dependencies': 'Builds', 'start_date': 'str', 'start_estimate': 'str', 'state': 'str', 'statistics': 'Properties', 'status': 'str', 'status_change_comment': 'Comment', 'status_text': 'str', 'tags': 'Tags', 'task_id': 'int', 'test_occurrences': 'TestOccurrences', 'triggered': 'TriggeredBy', 'triggering_options': 'BuildTriggeringOptions', 'unspecified_branch': 'bool', 'used_by_other_builds': 'bool', 'user': 'User', 'versioned_settings_revision': 'Revision', 'wait_reason': 'str', 'web_url': 'str'}

Gets the tags of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The tags of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Tags

Gets the task_id of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The task_id of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the test_occurrences of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The test_occurrences of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:TestOccurrences

Gets the triggered of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The triggered of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:TriggeredBy

Gets the triggering_options of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The triggering_options of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildTriggeringOptions

Gets the unspecified_branch of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The unspecified_branch of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the used_by_other_builds of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The used_by_other_builds of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the user of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The user of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:User

Gets the versioned_settings_revision of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The versioned_settings_revision of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:Revision

Gets the wait_reason of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The wait_reason of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the web_url of this Build. # noqa: E501

Returns:The web_url of this Build. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.build_cancel_request module

class dohq_teamcity.models.build_cancel_request.BuildCancelRequest(comment=None, readd_into_queue=False, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'comment': 'comment', 'readd_into_queue': 'readdIntoQueue'}

Gets the comment of this BuildCancelRequest. # noqa: E501

Returns:The comment of this BuildCancelRequest. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the readd_into_queue of this BuildCancelRequest. # noqa: E501

Returns:The readd_into_queue of this BuildCancelRequest. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool
swagger_types = {'comment': 'str', 'readd_into_queue': 'bool'}

dohq_teamcity.models.build_triggering_options module

class dohq_teamcity.models.build_triggering_options.BuildTriggeringOptions(clean_sources=False, clean_sources_in_all_dependencies=False, rebuild_all_dependencies=False, queue_at_top=False, freeze_settings=False, tag_dependencies=False, rebuild_dependencies=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'clean_sources': 'cleanSources', 'clean_sources_in_all_dependencies': 'cleanSourcesInAllDependencies', 'freeze_settings': 'freezeSettings', 'queue_at_top': 'queueAtTop', 'rebuild_all_dependencies': 'rebuildAllDependencies', 'rebuild_dependencies': 'rebuildDependencies', 'tag_dependencies': 'tagDependencies'}

Gets the clean_sources of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The clean_sources of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the clean_sources_in_all_dependencies of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The clean_sources_in_all_dependencies of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the freeze_settings of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The freeze_settings of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the queue_at_top of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The queue_at_top of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the rebuild_all_dependencies of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The rebuild_all_dependencies of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the rebuild_dependencies of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The rebuild_dependencies of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildTypes
swagger_types = {'clean_sources': 'bool', 'clean_sources_in_all_dependencies': 'bool', 'freeze_settings': 'bool', 'queue_at_top': 'bool', 'rebuild_all_dependencies': 'bool', 'rebuild_dependencies': 'BuildTypes', 'tag_dependencies': 'bool'}

Gets the tag_dependencies of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The tag_dependencies of this BuildTriggeringOptions. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

dohq_teamcity.models.build_type module

class dohq_teamcity.models.build_type.BuildType(id=None, internal_id=None, name=None, template_flag=False, type=None, paused=False, uuid=None, description=None, project_name=None, project_id=None, project_internal_id=None, href=None, web_url=None, inherited=False, links=None, project=None, templates=None, template=None, vcs_root_entries=None, settings=None, parameters=None, steps=None, features=None, triggers=None, snapshot_dependencies=None, artifact_dependencies=None, agent_requirements=None, branches=None, builds=None, investigations=None, compatible_agents=None, vcs_root_instances=None, locator=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the agent_requirements of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The agent_requirements of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:AgentRequirements

Gets the artifact_dependencies of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The artifact_dependencies of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:ArtifactDependencies
attribute_map = {'agent_requirements': 'agent-requirements', 'artifact_dependencies': 'artifact-dependencies', 'branches': 'branches', 'builds': 'builds', 'compatible_agents': 'compatibleAgents', 'description': 'description', 'features': 'features', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'inherited': 'inherited', 'internal_id': 'internalId', 'investigations': 'investigations', 'links': 'links', 'locator': 'locator', 'name': 'name', 'parameters': 'parameters', 'paused': 'paused', 'project': 'project', 'project_id': 'projectId', 'project_internal_id': 'projectInternalId', 'project_name': 'projectName', 'settings': 'settings', 'snapshot_dependencies': 'snapshot-dependencies', 'steps': 'steps', 'template': 'template', 'template_flag': 'templateFlag', 'templates': 'templates', 'triggers': 'triggers', 'type': 'type', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'vcs_root_entries': 'vcs-root-entries', 'vcs_root_instances': 'vcsRootInstances', 'web_url': 'webUrl'}

Gets the branches of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The branches of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:Branches

Gets the builds of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The builds of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:Builds

Gets the compatible_agents of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The compatible_agents of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:Agents

Gets the description of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The description of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the features of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The features of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:Features

Gets the href of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the inherited of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The inherited of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the internal_id of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The internal_id of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the investigations of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The investigations of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:Investigations

Gets the links of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The links of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:Links

Gets the locator of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The locator of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the name of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the parameters of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The parameters of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the paused of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The paused of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the project of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The project of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:Project

Gets the project_id of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The project_id of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the project_internal_id of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The project_internal_id of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the project_name of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The project_name of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the settings of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The settings of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the snapshot_dependencies of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The snapshot_dependencies of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:SnapshotDependencies

Gets the steps of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The steps of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:Steps
swagger_types = {'agent_requirements': 'AgentRequirements', 'artifact_dependencies': 'ArtifactDependencies', 'branches': 'Branches', 'builds': 'Builds', 'compatible_agents': 'Agents', 'description': 'str', 'features': 'Features', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'inherited': 'bool', 'internal_id': 'str', 'investigations': 'Investigations', 'links': 'Links', 'locator': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'parameters': 'Properties', 'paused': 'bool', 'project': 'Project', 'project_id': 'str', 'project_internal_id': 'str', 'project_name': 'str', 'settings': 'Properties', 'snapshot_dependencies': 'SnapshotDependencies', 'steps': 'Steps', 'template': 'BuildType', 'template_flag': 'bool', 'templates': 'BuildTypes', 'triggers': 'Triggers', 'type': 'str', 'uuid': 'str', 'vcs_root_entries': 'VcsRootEntries', 'vcs_root_instances': 'VcsRootInstances', 'web_url': 'str'}

Gets the template of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The template of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildType

Gets the template_flag of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The template_flag of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the templates of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The templates of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildTypes

Gets the triggers of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The triggers of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:Triggers

Gets the type of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the uuid of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The uuid of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the vcs_root_entries of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_root_entries of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:VcsRootEntries

Gets the vcs_root_instances of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_root_instances of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:VcsRootInstances

Gets the web_url of this BuildType. # noqa: E501

Returns:The web_url of this BuildType. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.build_types module

class dohq_teamcity.models.build_types.BuildTypes(count=None, href=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, build_type=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'build_type': 'buildType', 'count': 'count', 'href': 'href', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'prev_href': 'prevHref'}

Gets the build_type of this BuildTypes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_type of this BuildTypes. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[BuildType]

Gets the count of this BuildTypes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this BuildTypes. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this BuildTypes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this BuildTypes. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the next_href of this BuildTypes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this BuildTypes. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the prev_href of this BuildTypes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this BuildTypes. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'build_type': 'list[BuildType]', 'count': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'next_href': 'str', 'prev_href': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.builds module

class dohq_teamcity.models.builds.Builds(count=None, href=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, build=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'build': 'build', 'count': 'count', 'href': 'href', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'prev_href': 'prevHref'}

Gets the build of this Builds. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build of this Builds. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Build]

Gets the count of this Builds. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Builds. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this Builds. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Builds. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the next_href of this Builds. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this Builds. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the prev_href of this Builds. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this Builds. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'build': 'list[Build]', 'count': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'next_href': 'str', 'prev_href': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.change module

class dohq_teamcity.models.change.Change(id=None, version=None, internal_version=None, username=None, _date=None, registration_date=None, personal=False, href=None, web_url=None, comment=None, user=None, files=None, vcs_root_instance=None, parent_changes=None, parent_revisions=None, locator=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'_date': 'date', 'comment': 'comment', 'files': 'files', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'internal_version': 'internalVersion', 'locator': 'locator', 'parent_changes': 'parentChanges', 'parent_revisions': 'parentRevisions', 'personal': 'personal', 'registration_date': 'registrationDate', 'user': 'user', 'username': 'username', 'vcs_root_instance': 'vcsRootInstance', 'version': 'version', 'web_url': 'webUrl'}

Gets the comment of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The comment of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the files of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The files of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:FileChanges

Gets the href of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the internal_version of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The internal_version of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the locator of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The locator of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the parent_changes of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The parent_changes of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:Changes

Gets the parent_revisions of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The parent_revisions of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:Items

Gets the personal of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The personal of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the registration_date of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The registration_date of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'_date': 'str', 'comment': 'str', 'files': 'FileChanges', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'int', 'internal_version': 'str', 'locator': 'str', 'parent_changes': 'Changes', 'parent_revisions': 'Items', 'personal': 'bool', 'registration_date': 'str', 'user': 'User', 'username': 'str', 'vcs_root_instance': 'VcsRootInstance', 'version': 'str', 'web_url': 'str'}

Gets the user of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The user of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:User

Gets the username of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The username of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the vcs_root_instance of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_root_instance of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:VcsRootInstance

Gets the version of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The version of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the web_url of this Change. # noqa: E501

Returns:The web_url of this Change. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.changes module

class dohq_teamcity.models.changes.Changes(href=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, change=None, count=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'change': 'change', 'count': 'count', 'href': 'href', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'prev_href': 'prevHref'}

Gets the change of this Changes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The change of this Changes. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Change]

Gets the count of this Changes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Changes. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this Changes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Changes. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the next_href of this Changes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this Changes. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the prev_href of this Changes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this Changes. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'change': 'list[Change]', 'count': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'next_href': 'str', 'prev_href': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.comment module

class dohq_teamcity.models.comment.Comment(timestamp=None, text=None, user=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'text': 'text', 'timestamp': 'timestamp', 'user': 'user'}
swagger_types = {'text': 'str', 'timestamp': 'str', 'user': 'User'}

Gets the text of this Comment. # noqa: E501

Returns:The text of this Comment. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the timestamp of this Comment. # noqa: E501

Returns:The timestamp of this Comment. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the user of this Comment. # noqa: E501

Returns:The user of this Comment. # noqa: E501
Return type:User

dohq_teamcity.models.compatibilities module

class dohq_teamcity.models.compatibilities.Compatibilities(count=None, compatibility=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'compatibility': 'compatibility', 'count': 'count'}

Gets the compatibility of this Compatibilities. # noqa: E501

Returns:The compatibility of this Compatibilities. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Compatibility]

Gets the count of this Compatibilities. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Compatibilities. # noqa: E501
Return type:int
swagger_types = {'compatibility': 'list[Compatibility]', 'count': 'int'}

dohq_teamcity.models.compatibility module

class dohq_teamcity.models.compatibility.Compatibility(compatible=False, agent=None, build_type=None, unmet_requirements=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the agent of this Compatibility. # noqa: E501

Returns:The agent of this Compatibility. # noqa: E501
Return type:Agent
attribute_map = {'agent': 'agent', 'build_type': 'buildType', 'compatible': 'compatible', 'unmet_requirements': 'unmetRequirements'}

Gets the build_type of this Compatibility. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_type of this Compatibility. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildType

Gets the compatible of this Compatibility. # noqa: E501

Returns:The compatible of this Compatibility. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool
swagger_types = {'agent': 'Agent', 'build_type': 'BuildType', 'compatible': 'bool', 'unmet_requirements': 'Requirements'}

Gets the unmet_requirements of this Compatibility. # noqa: E501

Returns:The unmet_requirements of this Compatibility. # noqa: E501
Return type:Requirements

dohq_teamcity.models.datas module

class dohq_teamcity.models.datas.Datas(count=None, data=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'data': 'data'}

Gets the count of this Datas. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Datas. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the data of this Datas. # noqa: E501

Returns:The data of this Datas. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[MetaData]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'data': 'list[MetaData]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.enabled_info module

class dohq_teamcity.models.enabled_info.EnabledInfo(status=False, comment=None, status_switch_time=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'comment': 'comment', 'status': 'status', 'status_switch_time': 'statusSwitchTime'}

Gets the comment of this EnabledInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The comment of this EnabledInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:Comment

Gets the status of this EnabledInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The status of this EnabledInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the status_switch_time of this EnabledInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The status_switch_time of this EnabledInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'comment': 'Comment', 'status': 'bool', 'status_switch_time': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.entries module

class dohq_teamcity.models.entries.Entries(count=None, entry=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'entry': 'entry'}

Gets the count of this Entries. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Entries. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the entry of this Entries. # noqa: E501

Returns:The entry of this Entries. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Entry]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'entry': 'list[Entry]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.entry module

class dohq_teamcity.models.entry.Entry(name=None, value=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'name': 'name', 'value': 'value'}

Gets the name of this Entry. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Entry. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'name': 'str', 'value': 'str'}

Gets the value of this Entry. # noqa: E501

Returns:The value of this Entry. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.exception module

class dohq_teamcity.models.exception.Exception(cause=None, stack_trace=None, message=None, localized_message=None, suppressed=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'cause': 'cause', 'localized_message': 'localizedMessage', 'message': 'message', 'stack_trace': 'stackTrace', 'suppressed': 'suppressed'}

Gets the cause of this Exception. # noqa: E501

Returns:The cause of this Exception. # noqa: E501
Return type:Throwable

Gets the localized_message of this Exception. # noqa: E501

Returns:The localized_message of this Exception. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the message of this Exception. # noqa: E501

Returns:The message of this Exception. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the stack_trace of this Exception. # noqa: E501

Returns:The stack_trace of this Exception. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[StackTraceElement]

Gets the suppressed of this Exception. # noqa: E501

Returns:The suppressed of this Exception. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Throwable]
swagger_types = {'cause': 'Throwable', 'localized_message': 'str', 'message': 'str', 'stack_trace': 'list[StackTraceElement]', 'suppressed': 'list[Throwable]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.feature module

class dohq_teamcity.models.feature.Feature(id=None, name=None, type=None, disabled=False, inherited=False, href=None, properties=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'disabled': 'disabled', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'inherited': 'inherited', 'name': 'name', 'properties': 'properties', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the disabled of this Feature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The disabled of this Feature. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the href of this Feature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Feature. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Feature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Feature. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the inherited of this Feature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The inherited of this Feature. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the name of this Feature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Feature. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the properties of this Feature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this Feature. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties
swagger_types = {'disabled': 'bool', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'inherited': 'bool', 'name': 'str', 'properties': 'Properties', 'type': 'str'}

Gets the type of this Feature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this Feature. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.features module

class dohq_teamcity.models.features.Features(count=None, feature=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'feature': 'feature'}

Gets the count of this Features. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Features. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the feature of this Features. # noqa: E501

Returns:The feature of this Features. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Feature]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'feature': 'list[Feature]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.federation_server module

class dohq_teamcity.models.federation_server.FederationServer(url=None, name=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'name': 'name', 'url': 'url'}

Gets the name of this FederationServer. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this FederationServer. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'name': 'str', 'url': 'str'}

Gets the url of this FederationServer. # noqa: E501

Returns:The url of this FederationServer. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.file module

class dohq_teamcity.models.file.File(name=None, full_name=None, size=None, modification_time=None, href=None, parent=None, content=None, children=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'children': 'children', 'content': 'content', 'full_name': 'fullName', 'href': 'href', 'modification_time': 'modificationTime', 'name': 'name', 'parent': 'parent', 'size': 'size'}

Gets the children of this File. # noqa: E501

Returns:The children of this File. # noqa: E501
Return type:Files

Gets the content of this File. # noqa: E501

Returns:The content of this File. # noqa: E501
Return type:Href

Gets the full_name of this File. # noqa: E501

Returns:The full_name of this File. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the href of this File. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this File. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the modification_time of this File. # noqa: E501

Returns:The modification_time of this File. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the name of this File. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this File. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the parent of this File. # noqa: E501

Returns:The parent of this File. # noqa: E501
Return type:file

Gets the size of this File. # noqa: E501

Returns:The size of this File. # noqa: E501
Return type:int
swagger_types = {'children': 'Files', 'content': 'Href', 'full_name': 'str', 'href': 'str', 'modification_time': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'parent': 'file', 'size': 'int'}

alias of dohq_teamcity.models.file.File

dohq_teamcity.models.file_change module

class dohq_teamcity.models.file_change.FileChange(before_revision=None, after_revision=None, change_type=None, change_type_comment=None, file=None, relative_file=None, directory=False, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the after_revision of this FileChange. # noqa: E501

Returns:The after_revision of this FileChange. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
attribute_map = {'after_revision': 'after-revision', 'before_revision': 'before-revision', 'change_type': 'changeType', 'change_type_comment': 'changeTypeComment', 'directory': 'directory', 'file': 'file', 'relative_file': 'relative-file'}

Gets the before_revision of this FileChange. # noqa: E501

Returns:The before_revision of this FileChange. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the change_type of this FileChange. # noqa: E501

Returns:The change_type of this FileChange. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the change_type_comment of this FileChange. # noqa: E501

Returns:The change_type_comment of this FileChange. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the directory of this FileChange. # noqa: E501

Returns:The directory of this FileChange. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the file of this FileChange. # noqa: E501

Returns:The file of this FileChange. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the relative_file of this FileChange. # noqa: E501

Returns:The relative_file of this FileChange. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'after_revision': 'str', 'before_revision': 'str', 'change_type': 'str', 'change_type_comment': 'str', 'directory': 'bool', 'file': 'str', 'relative_file': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.file_changes module

class dohq_teamcity.models.file_changes.FileChanges(count=None, file=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'file': 'file'}

Gets the count of this FileChanges. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this FileChanges. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the file of this FileChanges. # noqa: E501

Returns:The file of this FileChanges. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[FileChange]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'file': 'list[FileChange]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.files module

class dohq_teamcity.models.files.Files(count=None, href=None, file=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'file': 'file', 'href': 'href'}

Gets the count of this Files. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Files. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the file of this Files. # noqa: E501

Returns:The file of this Files. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[file]

Gets the href of this Files. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Files. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'file': 'list[file]', 'href': 'str'} module

class, name=None, href=None, description=None, parent_groups=None, child_groups=None, users=None, roles=None, properties=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'child_groups': 'child-groups', 'description': 'description', 'href': 'href', 'key': 'key', 'name': 'name', 'parent_groups': 'parent-groups', 'properties': 'properties', 'roles': 'roles', 'users': 'users'}

Gets the child_groups of this Group. # noqa: E501

Returns:The child_groups of this Group. # noqa: E501
Return type:Groups

Gets the description of this Group. # noqa: E501

Returns:The description of this Group. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the href of this Group. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Group. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the key of this Group. # noqa: E501

Returns:The key of this Group. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the name of this Group. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Group. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the parent_groups of this Group. # noqa: E501

Returns:The parent_groups of this Group. # noqa: E501
Return type:Groups

Gets the properties of this Group. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this Group. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the roles of this Group. # noqa: E501

Returns:The roles of this Group. # noqa: E501
Return type:Roles
swagger_types = {'child_groups': 'Groups', 'description': 'str', 'href': 'str', 'key': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'parent_groups': 'Groups', 'properties': 'Properties', 'roles': 'Roles', 'users': 'Users'}

Gets the users of this Group. # noqa: E501

Returns:The users of this Group. # noqa: E501
Return type:Users

dohq_teamcity.models.groups module

class dohq_teamcity.models.groups.Groups(count=None, group=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'group': 'group'}

Gets the count of this Groups. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Groups. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the group of this Groups. # noqa: E501

Returns:The group of this Groups. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Group]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'group': 'list[Group]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.href module

class dohq_teamcity.models.href.Href(href=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'href': 'href'}

Gets the href of this Href. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Href. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'href': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.investigation module

class dohq_teamcity.models.investigation.Investigation(id=None, state=None, href=None, assignee=None, assignment=None, scope=None, target=None, resolution=None, responsible=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the assignee of this Investigation. # noqa: E501

Returns:The assignee of this Investigation. # noqa: E501
Return type:User

Gets the assignment of this Investigation. # noqa: E501

Returns:The assignment of this Investigation. # noqa: E501
Return type:Comment
attribute_map = {'assignee': 'assignee', 'assignment': 'assignment', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'resolution': 'resolution', 'responsible': 'responsible', 'scope': 'scope', 'state': 'state', 'target': 'target'}

Gets the href of this Investigation. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Investigation. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Investigation. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Investigation. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the resolution of this Investigation. # noqa: E501

Returns:The resolution of this Investigation. # noqa: E501
Return type:Resolution

Gets the responsible of this Investigation. # noqa: E501

Returns:The responsible of this Investigation. # noqa: E501
Return type:User

Gets the scope of this Investigation. # noqa: E501

Returns:The scope of this Investigation. # noqa: E501
Return type:ProblemScope

Gets the state of this Investigation. # noqa: E501

Returns:The state of this Investigation. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'assignee': 'User', 'assignment': 'Comment', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'resolution': 'Resolution', 'responsible': 'User', 'scope': 'ProblemScope', 'state': 'str', 'target': 'ProblemTarget'}

Gets the target of this Investigation. # noqa: E501

Returns:The target of this Investigation. # noqa: E501
Return type:ProblemTarget

dohq_teamcity.models.investigations module

class dohq_teamcity.models.investigations.Investigations(count=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, href=None, investigation=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'href': 'href', 'investigation': 'investigation', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'prev_href': 'prevHref'}

Gets the count of this Investigations. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Investigations. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this Investigations. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Investigations. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the investigation of this Investigations. # noqa: E501

Returns:The investigation of this Investigations. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Investigation]

Gets the next_href of this Investigations. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this Investigations. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the prev_href of this Investigations. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this Investigations. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'investigation': 'list[Investigation]', 'next_href': 'str', 'prev_href': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.issue module

class dohq_teamcity.models.issue.Issue(url=None, id=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'url': 'url'}

Gets the id of this Issue. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Issue. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'url': 'str'}

Gets the url of this Issue. # noqa: E501

Returns:The url of this Issue. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.issue_usage module

class dohq_teamcity.models.issue_usage.IssueUsage(changes=None, issue=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'changes': 'changes', 'issue': 'issue'}

Gets the changes of this IssueUsage. # noqa: E501

Returns:The changes of this IssueUsage. # noqa: E501
Return type:Changes

Gets the issue of this IssueUsage. # noqa: E501

Returns:The issue of this IssueUsage. # noqa: E501
Return type:Issue
swagger_types = {'changes': 'Changes', 'issue': 'Issue'}

dohq_teamcity.models.issues module

class dohq_teamcity.models.issues.Issues(issues=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'issues': 'issues'}

Gets the issues of this Issues. # noqa: E501

Returns:The issues of this Issues. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Issue]
swagger_types = {'issues': 'list[Issue]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.issues_usages module

class dohq_teamcity.models.issues_usages.IssuesUsages(issue_usage=None, href=None, count=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'href': 'href', 'issue_usage': 'issueUsage'}

Gets the count of this IssuesUsages. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this IssuesUsages. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this IssuesUsages. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this IssuesUsages. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the issue_usage of this IssuesUsages. # noqa: E501

Returns:The issue_usage of this IssuesUsages. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[IssueUsage]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'issue_usage': 'list[IssueUsage]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.items module

class dohq_teamcity.models.items.Items(item=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'item': 'item'}

Gets the item of this Items. # noqa: E501

Returns:The item of this Items. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[str]
swagger_types = {'item': 'list[str]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.license_key module

class dohq_teamcity.models.license_key.LicenseKey(valid=False, active=False, expired=False, obsolete=False, expiration_date=None, maintenance_end_date=None, type=None, servers=None, agents=None, unlimited_agents=False, build_types=None, unlimited_build_types=False, error_details=None, key=None, raw_type=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the active of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The active of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the agents of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The agents of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:int
attribute_map = {'active': 'active', 'agents': 'agents', 'build_types': 'buildTypes', 'error_details': 'errorDetails', 'expiration_date': 'expirationDate', 'expired': 'expired', 'key': 'key', 'maintenance_end_date': 'maintenanceEndDate', 'obsolete': 'obsolete', 'raw_type': 'rawType', 'servers': 'servers', 'type': 'type', 'unlimited_agents': 'unlimitedAgents', 'unlimited_build_types': 'unlimitedBuildTypes', 'valid': 'valid'}

Gets the build_types of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_types of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the error_details of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The error_details of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the expiration_date of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The expiration_date of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the expired of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The expired of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the key of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The key of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the maintenance_end_date of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The maintenance_end_date of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the obsolete of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The obsolete of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the raw_type of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The raw_type of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the servers of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The servers of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:int
swagger_types = {'active': 'bool', 'agents': 'int', 'build_types': 'int', 'error_details': 'str', 'expiration_date': 'str', 'expired': 'bool', 'key': 'str', 'maintenance_end_date': 'str', 'obsolete': 'bool', 'raw_type': 'str', 'servers': 'int', 'type': 'str', 'unlimited_agents': 'bool', 'unlimited_build_types': 'bool', 'valid': 'bool'}

Gets the type of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the unlimited_agents of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The unlimited_agents of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the unlimited_build_types of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The unlimited_build_types of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the valid of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501

Returns:The valid of this LicenseKey. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

dohq_teamcity.models.license_keys module

class dohq_teamcity.models.license_keys.LicenseKeys(count=None, href=None, license_key=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'href': 'href', 'license_key': 'licenseKey'}

Gets the count of this LicenseKeys. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this LicenseKeys. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this LicenseKeys. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this LicenseKeys. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the license_key of this LicenseKeys. # noqa: E501

Returns:The license_key of this LicenseKeys. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[LicenseKey]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'license_key': 'list[LicenseKey]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.licensing_data module

class dohq_teamcity.models.licensing_data.LicensingData(license_use_exceeded=False, max_agents=None, unlimited_agents=False, agents_left=None, max_build_types=None, unlimited_build_types=False, build_types_left=None, server_license_type=None, server_effective_release_date=None, license_keys=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the agents_left of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501

Returns:The agents_left of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501
Return type:int
attribute_map = {'agents_left': 'agentsLeft', 'build_types_left': 'buildTypesLeft', 'license_keys': 'licenseKeys', 'license_use_exceeded': 'licenseUseExceeded', 'max_agents': 'maxAgents', 'max_build_types': 'maxBuildTypes', 'server_effective_release_date': 'serverEffectiveReleaseDate', 'server_license_type': 'serverLicenseType', 'unlimited_agents': 'unlimitedAgents', 'unlimited_build_types': 'unlimitedBuildTypes'}

Gets the build_types_left of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_types_left of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the license_keys of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501

Returns:The license_keys of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501
Return type:LicenseKeys

Gets the license_use_exceeded of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501

Returns:The license_use_exceeded of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the max_agents of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501

Returns:The max_agents of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the max_build_types of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501

Returns:The max_build_types of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the server_effective_release_date of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501

Returns:The server_effective_release_date of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the server_license_type of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501

Returns:The server_license_type of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'agents_left': 'int', 'build_types_left': 'int', 'license_keys': 'LicenseKeys', 'license_use_exceeded': 'bool', 'max_agents': 'int', 'max_build_types': 'int', 'server_effective_release_date': 'str', 'server_license_type': 'str', 'unlimited_agents': 'bool', 'unlimited_build_types': 'bool'}

Gets the unlimited_agents of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501

Returns:The unlimited_agents of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the unlimited_build_types of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501

Returns:The unlimited_build_types of this LicensingData. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

dohq_teamcity.models.meta_data module

class dohq_teamcity.models.meta_data.MetaData(id=None, entries=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'entries': 'entries', 'id': 'id'}

Gets the entries of this MetaData. # noqa: E501

Returns:The entries of this MetaData. # noqa: E501
Return type:Entries

Gets the id of this MetaData. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this MetaData. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'entries': 'Entries', 'id': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.model_property module

class dohq_teamcity.models.model_property.ModelProperty(name=None, value=None, inherited=False, type=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'inherited': 'inherited', 'name': 'name', 'type': 'type', 'value': 'value'}

Gets the inherited of this ModelProperty. # noqa: E501

Returns:The inherited of this ModelProperty. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the name of this ModelProperty. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this ModelProperty. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'inherited': 'bool', 'name': 'str', 'type': 'Type', 'value': 'str'}

Gets the type of this ModelProperty. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this ModelProperty. # noqa: E501
Return type:Type

Gets the value of this ModelProperty. # noqa: E501

Returns:The value of this ModelProperty. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.mute module

class dohq_teamcity.models.mute.Mute(id=None, href=None, assignment=None, scope=None, target=None, resolution=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the assignment of this Mute. # noqa: E501

Returns:The assignment of this Mute. # noqa: E501
Return type:Comment
attribute_map = {'assignment': 'assignment', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'resolution': 'resolution', 'scope': 'scope', 'target': 'target'}

Gets the href of this Mute. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Mute. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Mute. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Mute. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the resolution of this Mute. # noqa: E501

Returns:The resolution of this Mute. # noqa: E501
Return type:Resolution

Gets the scope of this Mute. # noqa: E501

Returns:The scope of this Mute. # noqa: E501
Return type:ProblemScope
swagger_types = {'assignment': 'Comment', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'int', 'resolution': 'Resolution', 'scope': 'ProblemScope', 'target': 'ProblemTarget'}

Gets the target of this Mute. # noqa: E501

Returns:The target of this Mute. # noqa: E501
Return type:ProblemTarget

dohq_teamcity.models.mutes module

class dohq_teamcity.models.mutes.Mutes(count=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, default=False, href=None, mute=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'default': 'default', 'href': 'href', 'mute': 'mute', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'prev_href': 'prevHref'}

Gets the count of this Mutes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Mutes. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the default of this Mutes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The default of this Mutes. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the href of this Mutes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Mutes. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the mute of this Mutes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The mute of this Mutes. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Mute]

Gets the next_href of this Mutes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this Mutes. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the prev_href of this Mutes. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this Mutes. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'default': 'bool', 'href': 'str', 'mute': 'list[Mute]', 'next_href': 'str', 'prev_href': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.new_build_type_description module

class dohq_teamcity.models.new_build_type_description.NewBuildTypeDescription(copy_all_associated_settings=False, projects_ids_map=None, build_types_ids_map=None, vcs_roots_ids_map=None, name=None, id=None, source_build_type_locator=None, source_build_type=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'build_types_ids_map': 'buildTypesIdsMap', 'copy_all_associated_settings': 'copyAllAssociatedSettings', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'projects_ids_map': 'projectsIdsMap', 'source_build_type': 'sourceBuildType', 'source_build_type_locator': 'sourceBuildTypeLocator', 'vcs_roots_ids_map': 'vcsRootsIdsMap'}

Gets the build_types_ids_map of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_types_ids_map of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the copy_all_associated_settings of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The copy_all_associated_settings of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the id of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the name of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the projects_ids_map of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The projects_ids_map of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the source_build_type of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The source_build_type of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildType

Gets the source_build_type_locator of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The source_build_type_locator of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'build_types_ids_map': 'Properties', 'copy_all_associated_settings': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'projects_ids_map': 'Properties', 'source_build_type': 'BuildType', 'source_build_type_locator': 'str', 'vcs_roots_ids_map': 'Properties'}

Gets the vcs_roots_ids_map of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_roots_ids_map of this NewBuildTypeDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

dohq_teamcity.models.new_project_description module

class dohq_teamcity.models.new_project_description.NewProjectDescription(copy_all_associated_settings=False, projects_ids_map=None, build_types_ids_map=None, vcs_roots_ids_map=None, name=None, id=None, source_project_locator=None, source_project=None, parent_project=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'build_types_ids_map': 'buildTypesIdsMap', 'copy_all_associated_settings': 'copyAllAssociatedSettings', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'parent_project': 'parentProject', 'projects_ids_map': 'projectsIdsMap', 'source_project': 'sourceProject', 'source_project_locator': 'sourceProjectLocator', 'vcs_roots_ids_map': 'vcsRootsIdsMap'}

Gets the build_types_ids_map of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_types_ids_map of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the copy_all_associated_settings of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The copy_all_associated_settings of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the id of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the name of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the parent_project of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The parent_project of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:Project

Gets the projects_ids_map of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The projects_ids_map of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the source_project of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The source_project of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:Project

Gets the source_project_locator of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The source_project_locator of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'build_types_ids_map': 'Properties', 'copy_all_associated_settings': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'parent_project': 'Project', 'projects_ids_map': 'Properties', 'source_project': 'Project', 'source_project_locator': 'str', 'vcs_roots_ids_map': 'Properties'}

Gets the vcs_roots_ids_map of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_roots_ids_map of this NewProjectDescription. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

dohq_teamcity.models.plugin module

class dohq_teamcity.models.plugin.Plugin(name=None, display_name=None, version=None, load_path=None, parameters=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'display_name': 'displayName', 'load_path': 'loadPath', 'name': 'name', 'parameters': 'parameters', 'version': 'version'}

Gets the display_name of this Plugin. # noqa: E501

Returns:The display_name of this Plugin. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the load_path of this Plugin. # noqa: E501

Returns:The load_path of this Plugin. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the name of this Plugin. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Plugin. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the parameters of this Plugin. # noqa: E501

Returns:The parameters of this Plugin. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties
swagger_types = {'display_name': 'str', 'load_path': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'parameters': 'Properties', 'version': 'str'}

Gets the version of this Plugin. # noqa: E501

Returns:The version of this Plugin. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.plugins module

class dohq_teamcity.models.plugins.Plugins(count=None, plugin=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'plugin': 'plugin'}

Gets the count of this Plugins. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Plugins. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the plugin of this Plugins. # noqa: E501

Returns:The plugin of this Plugins. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Plugin]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'plugin': 'list[Plugin]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.problem module

class dohq_teamcity.models.problem.Problem(id=None, type=None, identity=None, href=None, mutes=None, investigations=None, problem_occurrences=None, locator=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'identity': 'identity', 'investigations': 'investigations', 'locator': 'locator', 'mutes': 'mutes', 'problem_occurrences': 'problemOccurrences', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the href of this Problem. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Problem. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Problem. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Problem. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the identity of this Problem. # noqa: E501

Returns:The identity of this Problem. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the investigations of this Problem. # noqa: E501

Returns:The investigations of this Problem. # noqa: E501
Return type:Investigations

Gets the locator of this Problem. # noqa: E501

Returns:The locator of this Problem. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the mutes of this Problem. # noqa: E501

Returns:The mutes of this Problem. # noqa: E501
Return type:Mutes

Gets the problem_occurrences of this Problem. # noqa: E501

Returns:The problem_occurrences of this Problem. # noqa: E501
Return type:ProblemOccurrences
swagger_types = {'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'identity': 'str', 'investigations': 'Investigations', 'locator': 'str', 'mutes': 'Mutes', 'problem_occurrences': 'ProblemOccurrences', 'type': 'str'}

Gets the type of this Problem. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this Problem. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.problem_occurrence module

class dohq_teamcity.models.problem_occurrence.ProblemOccurrence(id=None, type=None, identity=None, href=None, muted=False, currently_investigated=False, currently_muted=False, details=None, additional_data=None, problem=None, mute=None, build=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the additional_data of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The additional_data of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
attribute_map = {'additional_data': 'additionalData', 'build': 'build', 'currently_investigated': 'currentlyInvestigated', 'currently_muted': 'currentlyMuted', 'details': 'details', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'identity': 'identity', 'mute': 'mute', 'muted': 'muted', 'problem': 'problem', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the build of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:Build

Gets the currently_investigated of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The currently_investigated of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the currently_muted of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The currently_muted of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the details of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The details of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the href of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the identity of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The identity of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the mute of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The mute of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:Mute

Gets the muted of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The muted of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the problem of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The problem of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:Problem
swagger_types = {'additional_data': 'str', 'build': 'Build', 'currently_investigated': 'bool', 'currently_muted': 'bool', 'details': 'str', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'identity': 'str', 'mute': 'Mute', 'muted': 'bool', 'problem': 'Problem', 'type': 'str'}

Gets the type of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this ProblemOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.problem_occurrences module

class dohq_teamcity.models.problem_occurrences.ProblemOccurrences(count=None, href=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, problem_occurrence=None, default=False, passed=None, failed=None, new_failed=None, ignored=None, muted=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'default': 'default', 'failed': 'failed', 'href': 'href', 'ignored': 'ignored', 'muted': 'muted', 'new_failed': 'newFailed', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'passed': 'passed', 'prev_href': 'prevHref', 'problem_occurrence': 'problemOccurrence'}

Gets the count of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the default of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The default of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the failed of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The failed of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the ignored of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The ignored of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the muted of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The muted of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the new_failed of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The new_failed of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the next_href of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the passed of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The passed of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the prev_href of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the problem_occurrence of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The problem_occurrence of this ProblemOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[ProblemOccurrence]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'default': 'bool', 'failed': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'ignored': 'int', 'muted': 'int', 'new_failed': 'int', 'next_href': 'str', 'passed': 'int', 'prev_href': 'str', 'problem_occurrence': 'list[ProblemOccurrence]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.problem_scope module

class dohq_teamcity.models.problem_scope.ProblemScope(project=None, build_types=None, build_type=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'build_type': 'buildType', 'build_types': 'buildTypes', 'project': 'project'}

Gets the build_type of this ProblemScope. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_type of this ProblemScope. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildType

Gets the build_types of this ProblemScope. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_types of this ProblemScope. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildTypes

Gets the project of this ProblemScope. # noqa: E501

Returns:The project of this ProblemScope. # noqa: E501
Return type:Project
swagger_types = {'build_type': 'BuildType', 'build_types': 'BuildTypes', 'project': 'Project'}

dohq_teamcity.models.problem_target module

class dohq_teamcity.models.problem_target.ProblemTarget(any_problem=False, tests=None, problems=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the any_problem of this ProblemTarget. # noqa: E501

Returns:The any_problem of this ProblemTarget. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool
attribute_map = {'any_problem': 'anyProblem', 'problems': 'problems', 'tests': 'tests'}

Gets the problems of this ProblemTarget. # noqa: E501

Returns:The problems of this ProblemTarget. # noqa: E501
Return type:Problems
swagger_types = {'any_problem': 'bool', 'problems': 'Problems', 'tests': 'Tests'}

Gets the tests of this ProblemTarget. # noqa: E501

Returns:The tests of this ProblemTarget. # noqa: E501
Return type:Tests

dohq_teamcity.models.problems module

class dohq_teamcity.models.problems.Problems(count=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, default=False, problem=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'default': 'default', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'prev_href': 'prevHref', 'problem': 'problem'}

Gets the count of this Problems. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Problems. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the default of this Problems. # noqa: E501

Returns:The default of this Problems. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the next_href of this Problems. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this Problems. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the prev_href of this Problems. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this Problems. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the problem of this Problems. # noqa: E501

Returns:The problem of this Problems. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Problem]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'default': 'bool', 'next_href': 'str', 'prev_href': 'str', 'problem': 'list[Problem]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.progress_info module

class dohq_teamcity.models.progress_info.ProgressInfo(percentage_complete=None, elapsed_seconds=None, estimated_total_seconds=None, left_seconds=None, current_stage_text=None, outdated=False, probably_hanging=False, last_activity_time=None, outdated_reason_build=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'current_stage_text': 'currentStageText', 'elapsed_seconds': 'elapsedSeconds', 'estimated_total_seconds': 'estimatedTotalSeconds', 'last_activity_time': 'lastActivityTime', 'left_seconds': 'leftSeconds', 'outdated': 'outdated', 'outdated_reason_build': 'outdatedReasonBuild', 'percentage_complete': 'percentageComplete', 'probably_hanging': 'probablyHanging'}

Gets the current_stage_text of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The current_stage_text of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the elapsed_seconds of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The elapsed_seconds of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the estimated_total_seconds of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The estimated_total_seconds of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the last_activity_time of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The last_activity_time of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the left_seconds of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The left_seconds of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the outdated of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The outdated of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the outdated_reason_build of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The outdated_reason_build of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:Build

Gets the percentage_complete of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The percentage_complete of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the probably_hanging of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501

Returns:The probably_hanging of this ProgressInfo. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool
swagger_types = {'current_stage_text': 'str', 'elapsed_seconds': 'int', 'estimated_total_seconds': 'int', 'last_activity_time': 'str', 'left_seconds': 'int', 'outdated': 'bool', 'outdated_reason_build': 'Build', 'percentage_complete': 'int', 'probably_hanging': 'bool'}

dohq_teamcity.models.project module

class dohq_teamcity.models.project.Project(id=None, internal_id=None, uuid=None, name=None, parent_project_id=None, parent_project_internal_id=None, parent_project_name=None, archived=False, description=None, href=None, web_url=None, links=None, parent_project=None, read_only_ui=None, default_template=None, build_types=None, templates=None, parameters=None, vcs_roots=None, project_features=None, projects=None, locator=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the archived of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The archived of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool
attribute_map = {'archived': 'archived', 'build_types': 'buildTypes', 'default_template': 'defaultTemplate', 'description': 'description', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'internal_id': 'internalId', 'links': 'links', 'locator': 'locator', 'name': 'name', 'parameters': 'parameters', 'parent_project': 'parentProject', 'parent_project_id': 'parentProjectId', 'parent_project_internal_id': 'parentProjectInternalId', 'parent_project_name': 'parentProjectName', 'project_features': 'projectFeatures', 'projects': 'projects', 'read_only_ui': 'readOnlyUI', 'templates': 'templates', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'vcs_roots': 'vcsRoots', 'web_url': 'webUrl'}

Gets the build_types of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_types of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildTypes

Gets the default_template of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The default_template of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildType

Gets the description of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The description of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the href of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the internal_id of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The internal_id of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the links of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The links of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:Links

Gets the locator of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The locator of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the name of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the parameters of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The parameters of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the parent_project of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The parent_project of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:Project

Gets the parent_project_id of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The parent_project_id of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the parent_project_internal_id of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The parent_project_internal_id of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the parent_project_name of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The parent_project_name of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the project_features of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The project_features of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:ProjectFeatures

Gets the projects of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The projects of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:Projects

Gets the read_only_ui of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The read_only_ui of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:StateField
swagger_types = {'archived': 'bool', 'build_types': 'BuildTypes', 'default_template': 'BuildType', 'description': 'str', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'internal_id': 'str', 'links': 'Links', 'locator': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'parameters': 'Properties', 'parent_project': 'Project', 'parent_project_id': 'str', 'parent_project_internal_id': 'str', 'parent_project_name': 'str', 'project_features': 'ProjectFeatures', 'projects': 'Projects', 'read_only_ui': 'StateField', 'templates': 'BuildTypes', 'uuid': 'str', 'vcs_roots': 'VcsRoots', 'web_url': 'str'}

Gets the templates of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The templates of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildTypes

Gets the uuid of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The uuid of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the vcs_roots of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_roots of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:VcsRoots

Gets the web_url of this Project. # noqa: E501

Returns:The web_url of this Project. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.project_feature module

class dohq_teamcity.models.project_feature.ProjectFeature(id=None, name=None, type=None, disabled=False, inherited=False, href=None, properties=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'disabled': 'disabled', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'inherited': 'inherited', 'name': 'name', 'properties': 'properties', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the disabled of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The disabled of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the href of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the inherited of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The inherited of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the name of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the properties of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties
swagger_types = {'disabled': 'bool', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'inherited': 'bool', 'name': 'str', 'properties': 'Properties', 'type': 'str'}

Gets the type of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this ProjectFeature. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.project_features module

class dohq_teamcity.models.project_features.ProjectFeatures(count=None, href=None, project_feature=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'href': 'href', 'project_feature': 'projectFeature'}

Gets the count of this ProjectFeatures. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this ProjectFeatures. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this ProjectFeatures. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this ProjectFeatures. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the project_feature of this ProjectFeatures. # noqa: E501

Returns:The project_feature of this ProjectFeatures. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[ProjectFeature]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'project_feature': 'list[ProjectFeature]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.projects module

class dohq_teamcity.models.projects.Projects(count=None, href=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, project=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'href': 'href', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'prev_href': 'prevHref', 'project': 'project'}

Gets the count of this Projects. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Projects. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this Projects. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Projects. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the next_href of this Projects. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this Projects. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the prev_href of this Projects. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this Projects. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the project of this Projects. # noqa: E501

Returns:The project of this Projects. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Project]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'next_href': 'str', 'prev_href': 'str', 'project': 'list[Project]'} module

class, href=None, _property=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'_property': 'property', 'count': 'count', 'href': 'href'}

Gets the count of this Properties. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Properties. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this Properties. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Properties. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'_property': 'list[ModelProperty]', 'count': 'int', 'href': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.repository_state module

class dohq_teamcity.models.repository_state.RepositoryState(timestamp=None, count=None, branch=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'branch': 'branch', 'count': 'count', 'timestamp': 'timestamp'}

Gets the branch of this RepositoryState. # noqa: E501

Returns:The branch of this RepositoryState. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[BranchVersion]

Gets the count of this RepositoryState. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this RepositoryState. # noqa: E501
Return type:int
swagger_types = {'branch': 'list[BranchVersion]', 'count': 'int', 'timestamp': 'str'}

Gets the timestamp of this RepositoryState. # noqa: E501

Returns:The timestamp of this RepositoryState. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.requirements module

class dohq_teamcity.models.requirements.Requirements(description=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'description': 'description'}

Gets the description of this Requirements. # noqa: E501

Returns:The description of this Requirements. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'description': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.resolution module

class dohq_teamcity.models.resolution.Resolution(type=None, time=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'time': 'time', 'type': 'type'}
swagger_types = {'time': 'str', 'type': 'str'}

Gets the time of this Resolution. # noqa: E501

Returns:The time of this Resolution. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the type of this Resolution. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this Resolution. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.revision module

class dohq_teamcity.models.revision.Revision(version=None, internal_version=None, vcs_branch_name=None, vcs_root_instance=None, checkout_rules=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'checkout_rules': 'checkout-rules', 'internal_version': 'internalVersion', 'vcs_branch_name': 'vcsBranchName', 'vcs_root_instance': 'vcs-root-instance', 'version': 'version'}

Gets the checkout_rules of this Revision. # noqa: E501

Returns:The checkout_rules of this Revision. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the internal_version of this Revision. # noqa: E501

Returns:The internal_version of this Revision. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'checkout_rules': 'str', 'internal_version': 'str', 'vcs_branch_name': 'str', 'vcs_root_instance': 'VcsRootInstance', 'version': 'str'}

Gets the vcs_branch_name of this Revision. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_branch_name of this Revision. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the vcs_root_instance of this Revision. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_root_instance of this Revision. # noqa: E501
Return type:VcsRootInstance

Gets the version of this Revision. # noqa: E501

Returns:The version of this Revision. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.revisions module

class dohq_teamcity.models.revisions.Revisions(count=None, revision=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'revision': 'revision'}

Gets the count of this Revisions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Revisions. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the revision of this Revisions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The revision of this Revisions. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Revision]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'revision': 'list[Revision]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.role module

class dohq_teamcity.models.role.Role(role_id=None, scope=None, href=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'href': 'href', 'role_id': 'roleId', 'scope': 'scope'}

Gets the href of this Role. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Role. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the role_id of this Role. # noqa: E501

Returns:The role_id of this Role. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the scope of this Role. # noqa: E501

Returns:The scope of this Role. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'href': 'str', 'role_id': 'str', 'scope': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.roles module

class dohq_teamcity.models.roles.Roles(role=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'role': 'role'}

Gets the role of this Roles. # noqa: E501

Returns:The role of this Roles. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Role]
swagger_types = {'role': 'list[Role]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.server module

class dohq_teamcity.models.server.Server(version=None, version_major=None, version_minor=None, start_time=None, current_time=None, build_number=None, build_date=None, internal_id=None, role=None, web_url=None, projects=None, vcs_roots=None, builds=None, users=None, user_groups=None, agents=None, build_queue=None, agent_pools=None, investigations=None, mutes=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.


Gets the agent_pools of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The agent_pools of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:Href

Gets the agents of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The agents of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:Href
attribute_map = {'agent_pools': 'agentPools', 'agents': 'agents', 'build_date': 'buildDate', 'build_number': 'buildNumber', 'build_queue': 'buildQueue', 'builds': 'builds', 'current_time': 'currentTime', 'internal_id': 'internalId', 'investigations': 'investigations', 'mutes': 'mutes', 'projects': 'projects', 'role': 'role', 'start_time': 'startTime', 'user_groups': 'userGroups', 'users': 'users', 'vcs_roots': 'vcsRoots', 'version': 'version', 'version_major': 'versionMajor', 'version_minor': 'versionMinor', 'web_url': 'webUrl'}

Gets the build_date of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_date of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the build_number of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_number of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the build_queue of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_queue of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:Href

Gets the builds of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The builds of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:Href

Gets the current_time of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The current_time of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the internal_id of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The internal_id of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the investigations of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The investigations of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:Href

Gets the mutes of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The mutes of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:Href

Gets the projects of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The projects of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:Href

Gets the role of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The role of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the start_time of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The start_time of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'agent_pools': 'Href', 'agents': 'Href', 'build_date': 'str', 'build_number': 'str', 'build_queue': 'Href', 'builds': 'Href', 'current_time': 'str', 'internal_id': 'str', 'investigations': 'Href', 'mutes': 'Href', 'projects': 'Href', 'role': 'str', 'start_time': 'str', 'user_groups': 'Href', 'users': 'Href', 'vcs_roots': 'Href', 'version': 'str', 'version_major': 'int', 'version_minor': 'int', 'web_url': 'str'}

Gets the user_groups of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The user_groups of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:Href

Gets the users of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The users of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:Href

Gets the vcs_roots of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_roots of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:Href

Gets the version of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The version of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the version_major of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The version_major of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the version_minor of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The version_minor of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the web_url of this Server. # noqa: E501

Returns:The web_url of this Server. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.servers module

class dohq_teamcity.models.servers.Servers(count=None, server=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'server': 'server'}

Gets the count of this Servers. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Servers. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the server of this Servers. # noqa: E501

Returns:The server of this Servers. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[FederationServer]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'server': 'list[FederationServer]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.session module

class dohq_teamcity.models.session.Session(id=None, creation_date=None, last_accessed_date=None, user=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'creation_date': 'creationDate', 'id': 'id', 'last_accessed_date': 'lastAccessedDate', 'user': 'user'}

Gets the creation_date of this Session. # noqa: E501

Returns:The creation_date of this Session. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Session. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Session. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the last_accessed_date of this Session. # noqa: E501

Returns:The last_accessed_date of this Session. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'creation_date': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'last_accessed_date': 'str', 'user': 'User'}

Gets the user of this Session. # noqa: E501

Returns:The user of this Session. # noqa: E501
Return type:User

dohq_teamcity.models.sessions module

class dohq_teamcity.models.sessions.Sessions(count=None, max_active=None, session_counter=None, session_create_rate=None, session_expire_rate=None, session_max_alive_time=None, session=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'max_active': 'maxActive', 'session': 'session', 'session_counter': 'sessionCounter', 'session_create_rate': 'sessionCreateRate', 'session_expire_rate': 'sessionExpireRate', 'session_max_alive_time': 'sessionMaxAliveTime'}

Gets the count of this Sessions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Sessions. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the max_active of this Sessions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The max_active of this Sessions. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the session of this Sessions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The session of this Sessions. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Session]

Gets the session_counter of this Sessions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The session_counter of this Sessions. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the session_create_rate of this Sessions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The session_create_rate of this Sessions. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the session_expire_rate of this Sessions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The session_expire_rate of this Sessions. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the session_max_alive_time of this Sessions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The session_max_alive_time of this Sessions. # noqa: E501
Return type:int
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'max_active': 'int', 'session': 'list[Session]', 'session_counter': 'int', 'session_create_rate': 'int', 'session_expire_rate': 'int', 'session_max_alive_time': 'int'}

dohq_teamcity.models.snapshot_dependencies module

class dohq_teamcity.models.snapshot_dependencies.SnapshotDependencies(count=None, snapshot_dependency=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'snapshot_dependency': 'snapshot-dependency'}

Gets the count of this SnapshotDependencies. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this SnapshotDependencies. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the snapshot_dependency of this SnapshotDependencies. # noqa: E501

Returns:The snapshot_dependency of this SnapshotDependencies. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[SnapshotDependency]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'snapshot_dependency': 'list[SnapshotDependency]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.snapshot_dependency module

class dohq_teamcity.models.snapshot_dependency.SnapshotDependency(id=None, name=None, type=None, disabled=False, inherited=False, href=None, properties=None, source_build_type=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'disabled': 'disabled', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'inherited': 'inherited', 'name': 'name', 'properties': 'properties', 'source_build_type': 'source-buildType', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the disabled of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The disabled of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the href of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the inherited of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The inherited of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the name of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the properties of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the source_build_type of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The source_build_type of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildType
swagger_types = {'disabled': 'bool', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'inherited': 'bool', 'name': 'str', 'properties': 'Properties', 'source_build_type': 'BuildType', 'type': 'str'}

Gets the type of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this SnapshotDependency. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.stack_trace_element module

class dohq_teamcity.models.stack_trace_element.StackTraceElement(method_name=None, file_name=None, line_number=None, class_name=None, native_method=False, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'class_name': 'className', 'file_name': 'fileName', 'line_number': 'lineNumber', 'method_name': 'methodName', 'native_method': 'nativeMethod'}

Gets the class_name of this StackTraceElement. # noqa: E501

Returns:The class_name of this StackTraceElement. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the file_name of this StackTraceElement. # noqa: E501

Returns:The file_name of this StackTraceElement. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the line_number of this StackTraceElement. # noqa: E501

Returns:The line_number of this StackTraceElement. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the method_name of this StackTraceElement. # noqa: E501

Returns:The method_name of this StackTraceElement. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the native_method of this StackTraceElement. # noqa: E501

Returns:The native_method of this StackTraceElement. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool
swagger_types = {'class_name': 'str', 'file_name': 'str', 'line_number': 'int', 'method_name': 'str', 'native_method': 'bool'}

dohq_teamcity.models.state_field module

class dohq_teamcity.models.state_field.StateField(value=False, inherited=False, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'inherited': 'inherited', 'value': 'value'}

Gets the inherited of this StateField. # noqa: E501

Returns:The inherited of this StateField. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool
swagger_types = {'inherited': 'bool', 'value': 'bool'}

Gets the value of this StateField. # noqa: E501

Returns:The value of this StateField. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

dohq_teamcity.models.step module

class dohq_teamcity.models.step.Step(id=None, name=None, type=None, disabled=False, inherited=False, href=None, properties=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'disabled': 'disabled', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'inherited': 'inherited', 'name': 'name', 'properties': 'properties', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the disabled of this Step. # noqa: E501

Returns:The disabled of this Step. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the href of this Step. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Step. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Step. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Step. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the inherited of this Step. # noqa: E501

Returns:The inherited of this Step. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the name of this Step. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Step. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the properties of this Step. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this Step. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties
swagger_types = {'disabled': 'bool', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'inherited': 'bool', 'name': 'str', 'properties': 'Properties', 'type': 'str'}

Gets the type of this Step. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this Step. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.steps module

class dohq_teamcity.models.steps.Steps(count=None, step=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'step': 'step'}

Gets the count of this Steps. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Steps. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the step of this Steps. # noqa: E501

Returns:The step of this Steps. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Step]
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'step': 'list[Step]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.tag module

class dohq_teamcity.models.tag.Tag(name=None, owner=None, private=False, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'name': 'name', 'owner': 'owner', 'private': 'private'}

Gets the name of this Tag. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Tag. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the owner of this Tag. # noqa: E501

Returns:The owner of this Tag. # noqa: E501
Return type:User

Gets the private of this Tag. # noqa: E501

Returns:The private of this Tag. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool
swagger_types = {'name': 'str', 'owner': 'User', 'private': 'bool'}

dohq_teamcity.models.tags module

class dohq_teamcity.models.tags.Tags(count=None, tag=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'tag': 'tag'}

Gets the count of this Tags. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Tags. # noqa: E501
Return type:int
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'tag': 'list[Tag]'}

Gets the tag of this Tags. # noqa: E501

Returns:The tag of this Tags. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Tag]

dohq_teamcity.models.test module

class dohq_teamcity.models.test.Test(id=None, name=None, mutes=None, investigations=None, test_occurrences=None, href=None, locator=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'investigations': 'investigations', 'locator': 'locator', 'mutes': 'mutes', 'name': 'name', 'test_occurrences': 'testOccurrences'}

Gets the href of this Test. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Test. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Test. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Test. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the investigations of this Test. # noqa: E501

Returns:The investigations of this Test. # noqa: E501
Return type:Investigations

Gets the locator of this Test. # noqa: E501

Returns:The locator of this Test. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the mutes of this Test. # noqa: E501

Returns:The mutes of this Test. # noqa: E501
Return type:Mutes

Gets the name of this Test. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Test. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'investigations': 'Investigations', 'locator': 'str', 'mutes': 'Mutes', 'name': 'str', 'test_occurrences': 'TestOccurrences'}

Gets the test_occurrences of this Test. # noqa: E501

Returns:The test_occurrences of this Test. # noqa: E501
Return type:TestOccurrences

dohq_teamcity.models.test_occurrence module

class dohq_teamcity.models.test_occurrence.TestOccurrence(id=None, name=None, status=None, ignored=False, duration=None, run_order=None, muted=False, currently_muted=False, currently_investigated=False, href=None, ignore_details=None, details=None, test=None, mute=None, build=None, first_failed=None, next_fixed=None, invocations=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'build': 'build', 'currently_investigated': 'currentlyInvestigated', 'currently_muted': 'currentlyMuted', 'details': 'details', 'duration': 'duration', 'first_failed': 'firstFailed', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'ignore_details': 'ignoreDetails', 'ignored': 'ignored', 'invocations': 'invocations', 'mute': 'mute', 'muted': 'muted', 'name': 'name', 'next_fixed': 'nextFixed', 'run_order': 'runOrder', 'status': 'status', 'test': 'test'}

Gets the build of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:Build

Gets the currently_investigated of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The currently_investigated of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the currently_muted of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The currently_muted of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the details of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The details of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the duration of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The duration of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the first_failed of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The first_failed of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:TestOccurrence

Gets the href of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the ignore_details of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The ignore_details of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the ignored of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The ignored of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the invocations of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The invocations of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:TestOccurrences

Gets the mute of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The mute of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:Mute

Gets the muted of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The muted of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the name of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the next_fixed of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_fixed of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:TestOccurrence

Gets the run_order of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The run_order of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the status of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The status of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'build': 'Build', 'currently_investigated': 'bool', 'currently_muted': 'bool', 'details': 'str', 'duration': 'int', 'first_failed': 'TestOccurrence', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'ignore_details': 'str', 'ignored': 'bool', 'invocations': 'TestOccurrences', 'mute': 'Mute', 'muted': 'bool', 'name': 'str', 'next_fixed': 'TestOccurrence', 'run_order': 'str', 'status': 'str', 'test': 'Test'}

Gets the test of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501

Returns:The test of this TestOccurrence. # noqa: E501
Return type:Test

dohq_teamcity.models.test_occurrences module

class dohq_teamcity.models.test_occurrences.TestOccurrences(count=None, href=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, test_occurrence=None, default=False, passed=None, failed=None, new_failed=None, ignored=None, muted=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'default': 'default', 'failed': 'failed', 'href': 'href', 'ignored': 'ignored', 'muted': 'muted', 'new_failed': 'newFailed', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'passed': 'passed', 'prev_href': 'prevHref', 'test_occurrence': 'testOccurrence'}

Gets the count of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the default of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The default of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the failed of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The failed of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the ignored of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The ignored of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the muted of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The muted of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the new_failed of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The new_failed of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the next_href of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the passed of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The passed of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the prev_href of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'default': 'bool', 'failed': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'ignored': 'int', 'muted': 'int', 'new_failed': 'int', 'next_href': 'str', 'passed': 'int', 'prev_href': 'str', 'test_occurrence': 'list[TestOccurrence]'}

Gets the test_occurrence of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501

Returns:The test_occurrence of this TestOccurrences. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[TestOccurrence]

dohq_teamcity.models.tests module

class dohq_teamcity.models.tests.Tests(count=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, default=False, test=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'default': 'default', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'prev_href': 'prevHref', 'test': 'test'}

Gets the count of this Tests. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Tests. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the default of this Tests. # noqa: E501

Returns:The default of this Tests. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the next_href of this Tests. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this Tests. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the prev_href of this Tests. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this Tests. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'default': 'bool', 'next_href': 'str', 'prev_href': 'str', 'test': 'list[Test]'}

Gets the test of this Tests. # noqa: E501

Returns:The test of this Tests. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Test]

dohq_teamcity.models.throwable module

class dohq_teamcity.models.throwable.Throwable(cause=None, stack_trace=None, message=None, localized_message=None, suppressed=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'cause': 'cause', 'localized_message': 'localizedMessage', 'message': 'message', 'stack_trace': 'stackTrace', 'suppressed': 'suppressed'}

Gets the cause of this Throwable. # noqa: E501

Returns:The cause of this Throwable. # noqa: E501
Return type:Throwable

Gets the localized_message of this Throwable. # noqa: E501

Returns:The localized_message of this Throwable. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the message of this Throwable. # noqa: E501

Returns:The message of this Throwable. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the stack_trace of this Throwable. # noqa: E501

Returns:The stack_trace of this Throwable. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[StackTraceElement]

Gets the suppressed of this Throwable. # noqa: E501

Returns:The suppressed of this Throwable. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Throwable]
swagger_types = {'cause': 'Throwable', 'localized_message': 'str', 'message': 'str', 'stack_trace': 'list[StackTraceElement]', 'suppressed': 'list[Throwable]'}

dohq_teamcity.models.trigger module

class dohq_teamcity.models.trigger.Trigger(id=None, name=None, type=None, disabled=False, inherited=False, href=None, properties=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'disabled': 'disabled', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'inherited': 'inherited', 'name': 'name', 'properties': 'properties', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the disabled of this Trigger. # noqa: E501

Returns:The disabled of this Trigger. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the href of this Trigger. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this Trigger. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Trigger. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Trigger. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the inherited of this Trigger. # noqa: E501

Returns:The inherited of this Trigger. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the name of this Trigger. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Trigger. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the properties of this Trigger. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this Trigger. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties
swagger_types = {'disabled': 'bool', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'inherited': 'bool', 'name': 'str', 'properties': 'Properties', 'type': 'str'}

Gets the type of this Trigger. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this Trigger. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.triggered_by module

class dohq_teamcity.models.triggered_by.TriggeredBy(type=None, details=None, _date=None, display_text=None, raw_value=None, user=None, build=None, build_type=None, properties=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'_date': 'date', 'build': 'build', 'build_type': 'buildType', 'details': 'details', 'display_text': 'displayText', 'properties': 'properties', 'raw_value': 'rawValue', 'type': 'type', 'user': 'user'}

Gets the build of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501
Return type:Build

Gets the build_type of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501

Returns:The build_type of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501
Return type:BuildType

Gets the details of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501

Returns:The details of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the display_text of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501

Returns:The display_text of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the properties of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the raw_value of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501

Returns:The raw_value of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'_date': 'str', 'build': 'Build', 'build_type': 'BuildType', 'details': 'str', 'display_text': 'str', 'properties': 'Properties', 'raw_value': 'str', 'type': 'str', 'user': 'User'}

Gets the type of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the user of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501

Returns:The user of this TriggeredBy. # noqa: E501
Return type:User

dohq_teamcity.models.triggers module

class dohq_teamcity.models.triggers.Triggers(count=None, trigger=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'trigger': 'trigger'}

Gets the count of this Triggers. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Triggers. # noqa: E501
Return type:int
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'trigger': 'list[Trigger]'}

Gets the trigger of this Triggers. # noqa: E501

Returns:The trigger of this Triggers. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Trigger]

dohq_teamcity.models.type module

class dohq_teamcity.models.type.Type(raw_value=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'raw_value': 'rawValue'}

Gets the raw_value of this Type. # noqa: E501

Returns:The raw_value of this Type. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'raw_value': 'str'}

dohq_teamcity.models.user module

class dohq_teamcity.models.user.User(username=None, name=None, id=None, email=None, last_login=None, password=None, has_password=False, realm=None, href=None, properties=None, roles=None, groups=None, locator=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'email': 'email', 'groups': 'groups', 'has_password': 'hasPassword', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'last_login': 'lastLogin', 'locator': 'locator', 'name': 'name', 'password': 'password', 'properties': 'properties', 'realm': 'realm', 'roles': 'roles', 'username': 'username'}

Gets the email of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The email of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the groups of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The groups of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:Groups

Gets the has_password of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The has_password of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the href of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the last_login of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The last_login of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the locator of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The locator of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the name of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the password of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The password of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the properties of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the realm of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The realm of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the roles of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The roles of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:Roles
swagger_types = {'email': 'str', 'groups': 'Groups', 'has_password': 'bool', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'int', 'last_login': 'str', 'locator': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'password': 'str', 'properties': 'Properties', 'realm': 'str', 'roles': 'Roles', 'username': 'str'}

Gets the username of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The username of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.users module

class dohq_teamcity.models.users.Users(count=None, user=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'user': 'user'}

Gets the count of this Users. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this Users. # noqa: E501
Return type:int
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'user': 'list[User]'}

Gets the user of this Users. # noqa: E501

Returns:The user of this Users. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[User]

dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_check_status module

class dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_check_status.VcsCheckStatus(status=None, requestor_type=None, timestamp=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'requestor_type': 'requestorType', 'status': 'status', 'timestamp': 'timestamp'}

Gets the requestor_type of this VcsCheckStatus. # noqa: E501

Returns:The requestor_type of this VcsCheckStatus. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the status of this VcsCheckStatus. # noqa: E501

Returns:The status of this VcsCheckStatus. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'requestor_type': 'str', 'status': 'str', 'timestamp': 'str'}

Gets the timestamp of this VcsCheckStatus. # noqa: E501

Returns:The timestamp of this VcsCheckStatus. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_labeling module

class dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_labeling.VcsLabeling(label_name=None, type=None, branch_filter=None, vcs_roots=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'branch_filter': 'branchFilter', 'label_name': 'labelName', 'type': 'type', 'vcs_roots': 'vcsRoots'}

Gets the branch_filter of this VcsLabeling. # noqa: E501

Returns:The branch_filter of this VcsLabeling. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the label_name of this VcsLabeling. # noqa: E501

Returns:The label_name of this VcsLabeling. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'branch_filter': 'str', 'label_name': 'str', 'type': 'str', 'vcs_roots': 'VcsRoots'}

Gets the type of this VcsLabeling. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this VcsLabeling. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the vcs_roots of this VcsLabeling. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_roots of this VcsLabeling. # noqa: E501
Return type:VcsRoots

dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_root module

class dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_root.VcsRoot(id=None, internal_id=None, uuid=None, name=None, vcs_name=None, modification_check_interval=None, href=None, project=None, properties=None, vcs_root_instances=None, repository_id_strings=None, project_locator=None, locator=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'internal_id': 'internalId', 'locator': 'locator', 'modification_check_interval': 'modificationCheckInterval', 'name': 'name', 'project': 'project', 'project_locator': 'projectLocator', 'properties': 'properties', 'repository_id_strings': 'repositoryIdStrings', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'vcs_name': 'vcsName', 'vcs_root_instances': 'vcsRootInstances'}

Gets the href of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the internal_id of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501

Returns:The internal_id of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the locator of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501

Returns:The locator of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the modification_check_interval of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501

Returns:The modification_check_interval of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the name of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the project of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501

Returns:The project of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501
Return type:Project

Gets the project_locator of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501

Returns:The project_locator of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the properties of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the repository_id_strings of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501

Returns:The repository_id_strings of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501
Return type:Items
swagger_types = {'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'internal_id': 'str', 'locator': 'str', 'modification_check_interval': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'project': 'Project', 'project_locator': 'str', 'properties': 'Properties', 'repository_id_strings': 'Items', 'uuid': 'str', 'vcs_name': 'str', 'vcs_root_instances': 'VcsRootInstances'}

Gets the uuid of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501

Returns:The uuid of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the vcs_name of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_name of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the vcs_root_instances of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_root_instances of this VcsRoot. # noqa: E501
Return type:VcsRootInstances

dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_root_entries module

class dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_root_entries.VcsRootEntries(count=None, vcs_root_entry=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'vcs_root_entry': 'vcs-root-entry'}

Gets the count of this VcsRootEntries. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this VcsRootEntries. # noqa: E501
Return type:int
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'vcs_root_entry': 'list[VcsRootEntry]'}

Gets the vcs_root_entry of this VcsRootEntries. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_root_entry of this VcsRootEntries. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[VcsRootEntry]

dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_root_entry module

class dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_root_entry.VcsRootEntry(id=None, inherited=False, vcs_root=None, checkout_rules=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'checkout_rules': 'checkout-rules', 'id': 'id', 'inherited': 'inherited', 'vcs_root': 'vcs-root'}

Gets the checkout_rules of this VcsRootEntry. # noqa: E501

Returns:The checkout_rules of this VcsRootEntry. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this VcsRootEntry. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this VcsRootEntry. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the inherited of this VcsRootEntry. # noqa: E501

Returns:The inherited of this VcsRootEntry. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool
swagger_types = {'checkout_rules': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'inherited': 'bool', 'vcs_root': 'VcsRoot'}

Gets the vcs_root of this VcsRootEntry. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_root of this VcsRootEntry. # noqa: E501
Return type:VcsRoot

dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_root_instance module

class dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_root_instance.VcsRootInstance(id=None, vcs_root_id=None, vcs_root_internal_id=None, name=None, vcs_name=None, modification_check_interval=None, commit_hook_mode=False, last_version=None, last_version_internal=None, href=None, vcs_root=None, status=None, repository_state=None, properties=None, repository_id_strings=None, project_locator=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'commit_hook_mode': 'commitHookMode', 'href': 'href', 'id': 'id', 'last_version': 'lastVersion', 'last_version_internal': 'lastVersionInternal', 'modification_check_interval': 'modificationCheckInterval', 'name': 'name', 'project_locator': 'projectLocator', 'properties': 'properties', 'repository_id_strings': 'repositoryIdStrings', 'repository_state': 'repositoryState', 'status': 'status', 'vcs_name': 'vcsName', 'vcs_root': 'vcs-root', 'vcs_root_id': 'vcs-root-id', 'vcs_root_internal_id': 'vcsRootInternalId'}

Gets the commit_hook_mode of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The commit_hook_mode of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:bool

Gets the href of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the last_version of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The last_version of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the last_version_internal of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The last_version_internal of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the modification_check_interval of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The modification_check_interval of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the name of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the project_locator of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The project_locator of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the properties of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The properties of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:Properties

Gets the repository_id_strings of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The repository_id_strings of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:Items

Gets the repository_state of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The repository_state of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:RepositoryState

Gets the status of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The status of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:VcsStatus
swagger_types = {'commit_hook_mode': 'bool', 'href': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'last_version': 'str', 'last_version_internal': 'str', 'modification_check_interval': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'project_locator': 'str', 'properties': 'Properties', 'repository_id_strings': 'Items', 'repository_state': 'RepositoryState', 'status': 'VcsStatus', 'vcs_name': 'str', 'vcs_root': 'VcsRoot', 'vcs_root_id': 'str', 'vcs_root_internal_id': 'str'}

Gets the vcs_name of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_name of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the vcs_root of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_root of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:VcsRoot

Gets the vcs_root_id of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_root_id of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the vcs_root_internal_id of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_root_internal_id of this VcsRootInstance. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_root_instances module

class dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_root_instances.VcsRootInstances(count=None, href=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, vcs_root_instance=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'href': 'href', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'prev_href': 'prevHref', 'vcs_root_instance': 'vcs-root-instance'}

Gets the count of this VcsRootInstances. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this VcsRootInstances. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this VcsRootInstances. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this VcsRootInstances. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the next_href of this VcsRootInstances. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this VcsRootInstances. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the prev_href of this VcsRootInstances. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this VcsRootInstances. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'next_href': 'str', 'prev_href': 'str', 'vcs_root_instance': 'list[VcsRootInstance]'}

Gets the vcs_root_instance of this VcsRootInstances. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_root_instance of this VcsRootInstances. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[VcsRootInstance]

dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_roots module

class dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_roots.VcsRoots(count=None, href=None, next_href=None, prev_href=None, vcs_root=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'href': 'href', 'next_href': 'nextHref', 'prev_href': 'prevHref', 'vcs_root': 'vcs-root'}

Gets the count of this VcsRoots. # noqa: E501

Returns:The count of this VcsRoots. # noqa: E501
Return type:int

Gets the href of this VcsRoots. # noqa: E501

Returns:The href of this VcsRoots. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the next_href of this VcsRoots. # noqa: E501

Returns:The next_href of this VcsRoots. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the prev_href of this VcsRoots. # noqa: E501

Returns:The prev_href of this VcsRoots. # noqa: E501
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'href': 'str', 'next_href': 'str', 'prev_href': 'str', 'vcs_root': 'list[VcsRoot]'}

Gets the vcs_root of this VcsRoots. # noqa: E501

Returns:The vcs_root of this VcsRoots. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[VcsRoot]

dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_status module

class dohq_teamcity.models.vcs_status.VcsStatus(current=None, previous=None, teamcity=None)

Bases: dohq_teamcity.custom.base_model.TeamCityObject

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

attribute_map = {'current': 'current', 'previous': 'previous'}

Gets the current of this VcsStatus. # noqa: E501

Returns:The current of this VcsStatus. # noqa: E501
Return type:VcsCheckStatus

Gets the previous of this VcsStatus. # noqa: E501

Returns:The previous of this VcsStatus. # noqa: E501
Return type:VcsCheckStatus
swagger_types = {'current': 'VcsCheckStatus', 'previous': 'VcsCheckStatus'}

Module contents


No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen # noqa: E501

OpenAPI spec version: 10.0

Generated by: