
Create connection

from tfs import TFSAPI


# Use DefaultCollection
client = TFSAPI("https://tfs.tfs.ru/tfs/", user=user, password=password)

# Use CustomCollection
client = TFSAPI("https://tfs.tfs.ru/tfs/", project="DefaultCollection", user=user, password=password)

# Set path to ProjectName in project parameter
client = TFSAPI("https://tfs.tfs.ru/tfs/", project="DefaultCollection/ProjectName", user=user, password=password)

workitem = client.get_workitem(100) # Test connection with Workitem id


You can use a password in password field or a personal access token in pat field. If both are given at the same time the password field will be ignored and the personal access token will be used instead.

# DEFAULT - Use HTTP Basic Auth
client = TFSAPI("https://tfs.tfs.ru/tfs/", user=user, password=password)

# HTTP Basic Auth with personal access token
client = TFSAPI("https://tfs.tfs.ru/tfs/", pat=personal_access_token)

# Use NTLM authorization
from requests_ntlm import HttpNtlmAuth

client = TFSAPI("https://tfs.tfs.ru/tfs/", user=user, password=password, auth_type=HttpNtlmAuth)

# Use HttpNegotiateAuth for single-sign-on with Kerberos
# see more https://github.com/brandond/requests-negotiate-sspi
import requests

from requests_negotiate_sspi import HttpNegotiateAuth
client = TFSAPI("https://tfs.tfs.ru/tfs/", auth_type=HttpNegotiateAuth)

Timeout connection

You can set CONNECT and READ timeouts (read more)

from tfs import TFSAPI

client = TFSAPI("https://tfs.tfs.ru/tfs/", user=user, password=password, connect_timeout=30, read_timeout=None)

Work Items

# For single Workitem
workitem = client.get_workitem(100)

# For multiple
workitem = client.get_workitems([100,101,102]) # list
workitem = client.get_workitems("100,101,102") # string separated with comma

# Get all fields

# Case insensitive. Remove space in field name

# Workitem Parent Workitem
parent = workitem.parent
if parent: # Parent is None if Workitem hasn't Parent link
    print("Workitem with id={} have parent={}".format(workitem.id, parent.id))

# Workitem Childs Workitem
childs = workitem.childs
if childs: # Child is empty list if Workitem hasn't Child link
    print("Workitem with id={} have Childs={}".format(workitem.id, ",".join([x.id for x in childs])))

# Workitem revisions
revisions = workitem.revisions

Create or copy workitem

# Create new bug
workitem = client.create_workitem('Bug')

# Create new task with some fields (use field reference names, e.g. System.*)
fields = {'System.Title': 'My task',
        'System.Description': 'My description',
        'System.AssignedTo': 'John Doe',
        'MyCompany.MyCustomField': 'MyCustomValue'}
workitem = client.create_workitem('Task', fields=fields)

# Copy with links and attachments and without sending notifications
new_wi = client.copy_workitem(workitem, with_links_and_attachments=True, suppress_notifications=True)

Update workitem

# Update field
workitem['state'] = 'Complete'

# Add comment
workitem['History'] = "Omg, it is a good issue!"

Workitem attachments

If a workitem has attachments, you can download and get info about them

attachments = workitem.attachments
attachment = attachments[0]
# Internal TFS UID

# Filename

# TFS Download URL

# You can download file to folder

# All raw data

Run Saved Queries

You can run Saved Queries and get Workitems

# Set path to ProjectName in project parameter
client = TFSAPI("https://tfs.tfs.ru/tfs/", project="DefaultCollection/ProjectName", user=user, password=password)

# Run New query 1 in Shared Queries folder
query = client.run_query('Shared Queries/New query 1')
# You can also use query GUID
query = client.run_query('7d123e4af-f52e-4c0d-a220-b5cceffa8f5e')

# result content raw data
result = query.result

# Get all found workitems
workitems = query.workitems


You can run Work Item Query Language

# Set path to ProjectName in project parameter
client = TFSAPI("https://tfs.tfs.ru/tfs/", project="DefaultCollection/ProjectName", user=user, password=password)

# Run custom query
### NOTE: Fields in SELECT really ignored, wiql return Work Items with all fields
query = """SELECT
FROM workitems
    [System.WorkItemType] = 'Bug'
ORDER BY [System.ChangedDate]"""

wiql = client.run_wiql(query)

# Get found Work Item ids
ids = wiql.workitem_ids
print("Found WI with ids={}".format(",".join(ids)))

# Get RAW query data - python dict
raw = wiql.result

# Get all found workitems
workitems = wiql.workitems

You can add extra URI parameters as a dictionary (only works for parameters that come at the end of the link):

wiql = client.run_query(query, params={'$top': 10, 'timePrecision': True, 'api-version': '1.0'})