Source code for tfs.connection

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from urllib.parse import quote

import base64
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

from tfs.resources import *  # noqa

def batch(iterable, n=1):
    "batch" function that would take as input an iterable and return an iterable of iterables
    len_ = len(iterable)
    for ndx in range(0, len_, n):
        yield iterable[ndx:min(ndx + n, len_)]

[docs]class TFSAPI: def __init__(self, server_url, project="DefaultCollection", user=None, password=None, pat=None, verify=False, auth_type=HTTPBasicAuth, connect_timeout=20, read_timeout=180, ): """ This class must be used to get first object from TFS :param server_url: url to TFS server, e.g. :param project: Collection or Collection\\Project :param user: username, or DOMAIN\\username :param password: password :param pat: personal access token :param verify: True|False - verify HTTPS cert :param connect_timeout: Requests CONNECTION timeout, sec or None :param read_timeout: Requests READ timeout, sec or None """ if auth_type is HTTPBasicAuth: if (user is None or password is None) and pat is None: raise ValueError('User name and password or personal access token must be specified!') self.rest_client = TFSHTTPClient(server_url, project=project, user=user, password=password, pat=pat, verify=verify, timeout=(connect_timeout, read_timeout), auth_type=auth_type, )
[docs] def get_tfs_object(self, uri, payload=None, object_class=TFSObject, project=False): """ Send requests and return any object in TFS """ raw = self.rest_client.send_get(uri=uri, payload=payload, project=project) # For list results if 'value' in raw: raw = raw['value'] objects = [object_class(x, self, uri) for x in raw] else: objects = object_class(raw, self, uri) return objects
def __get_workitems(self, work_items_ids, fields=None, expand='all'): ids_string = ','.join(map(str, work_items_ids)) expand = '&$expand={}'.format(expand) if expand else '' fields_string = ('&fields=' + ','.join(fields)) if fields else "" workitems = self.get_tfs_object( 'wit/workitems?ids={ids}{fields}{expand}&api-version=1.0'.format(ids=ids_string, fields=fields_string, expand=expand), object_class=Workitem) return workitems
[docs] def get_workitem(self, id_, fields=None): if isinstance(id_, int): return self.get_workitems(id_, fields)[0]
[docs] def get_workitems(self, work_items_ids, fields=None, batch_size=50, expand='all'): if isinstance(work_items_ids, int): work_items_ids = [work_items_ids] if isinstance(work_items_ids, str): work_items_ids = [work_items_ids] workitems = [] for work_items_batch in batch(list(work_items_ids), batch_size): work_items_batch_info = self.__get_workitems(work_items_batch, fields=fields, expand=expand) workitems += work_items_batch_info return workitems
[docs] def get_changeset(self, id_): return self.get_changesets(from_=id_, to_=id_)[0]
[docs] def get_changesets(self, from_=None, to_=None, item_path=None, top=10000): payload = {'$top': top} if from_ and to_: from_ = str(from_) to_ = str(to_) if from_.isdigit() and to_.isdigit(): payload['searchCriteria.fromId'] = from_ payload['searchCriteria.toId'] = to_ else: raise ValueError('from_ and to_ must be valid TFS changeset IDs!') if item_path: payload['searchCriteria.itemPath'] = item_path changesets = self.get_tfs_object('tfvc/changesets', payload=payload, object_class=Changeset) return changesets
[docs] def get_projects(self): return self.get_tfs_object('projects', object_class=Projects)
[docs] def get_project(self, name): return self.get_tfs_object('projects/{}'.format(name), object_class=Projects)
[docs] def update_workitem(self, work_item_id, update_data, params=None): raw = self.rest_client.send_patch('wit/workitems/{id}?api-version=1.0'.format(id=work_item_id), data=update_data, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json-patch+json'}, payload=params) return raw
[docs] def run_query(self, path): if path and not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + quote(path) query = self.get_tfs_object('wit/queries{path}?api-version=2.2'.format(path=path), project=True, object_class=TFSQuery) return query
[docs] def run_wiql(self, query, params=None): data = {"query": query, } if params is None: params = {} if 'api-version' not in params: params['api-version'] = '1.0' wiql = self.rest_client.send_post('wit/wiql', data=data, project=True, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, payload=params ) return Wiql(wiql, self)
[docs] def download_file(self, uri, filename): # TODO: Use download in stream, not in memory r = self.rest_client.send_get(uri, json=False) with open(filename, 'wb') as file: file.write(r.content)
[docs] def get_gitrepositories(self): return self.get_tfs_object('git/repositories', object_class=GitRepository)
[docs] def get_gitrepository(self, name): return self.get_tfs_object('git/repositories/{name}'.format(name=name), project=True, object_class=GitRepository)
def __create_workitem(self, type_, data=None, validate_only=None, bypass_rules=None, suppress_notifications=None, api_version=1.0): """ Create work item. Param description: :param project: Name of the target project. The same project is used by default. :return: Raw JSON of the work item created """ uri = 'wit/workitems/${type}'.format(type=type_) params = {'api-version': api_version, 'validateOnly': validate_only, 'bypassRules': bypass_rules, 'suppressNotifications': suppress_notifications} headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json-patch+json'} raw = self.rest_client.send_post(uri=uri, data=data, headers=headers, project=True, payload=params) return raw
[docs] def create_workitem(self, type_, fields=None, relations_raw=None, validate_only=None, bypass_rules=None, suppress_notifications=None, api_version=1.0): """ Create work item. Doc: :param type_: Work item :param fields: Dictionary containing field values :param relations_raw: List containing relations which are dict(rel, url[, attributes]) :param validate_only: When True, do not actually create a work item, a dry run of sorts :param bypass_rules: When True, can bypass restrictions like <ALLOWEDVALUES> and such :param suppress_notifications: When true, notifications are [supposedly] not sent :param api_version: API version to use :return: WorkItem instance of a newly created WI """ # fields body = [dict(op="add", path='/fields/{}'.format(name), value=value) for name, value in fields.items()] \ if fields else [] # relations if relations_raw: body.extend([dict(op="add", path='/relations/-', value=relation) for relation in relations_raw]) raw = self.__create_workitem(type_, body, validate_only, bypass_rules, suppress_notifications, api_version) return Workitem(raw, self)
def __adjusted_area_iteration(self, value): """ Adapt area or iteration path from the old TeamProject to the current one. Used when copying work items from different projects. :param value: Old area/iteration path value. :return: Value with the project part replaced. """ actual_area = value.split('\\')[1:] actual_area.insert(0, self.rest_client.project) return '\\'.join(actual_area)
[docs] def copy_workitem(self, workitem, with_links_and_attachments=False, from_another_project=False, target_type=None, target_area=None, target_iteration=None, validate_only=None, bypass_rules=None, suppress_notifications=None, api_version=1.0): """ Create a copy of a work item :param workitem: Source workitem :param with_links_and_attachments: When True, all relations are copied :param from_another_project: When True, certain fields are not copied :param target_type: When specified, the copy will have this type instead of the source one :param target_area: When specified, the copy will have this area instead of the source one :param target_iteration: When specified, the copy will have this iteration instead of the source one :param validate_only: When True, do not actually create a work item, a dry run of sorts :param bypass_rules: When True, can bypass restrictions like <ALLOWEDVALUES> and such :param suppress_notifications: When true, notifications are [supposedly] not sent :param api_version: API version to use :return: WorkItem instance of a newly created copy """ fields ='fields') type_ = target_type if target_type else fields['System.WorkItemType'] params = {'api-version': api_version, 'validateOnly': validate_only, 'bypassRules': bypass_rules, 'suppressNotifications': suppress_notifications} # When copy from another project, adjust AreaPath and IterationPath and do not copy identifying fields if from_another_project: no_copy_fields = ['System.TeamProject', 'System.AreaPath', 'System.IterationPath', 'System.Id', 'System.AreaId', 'System.NodeName', 'System.AreaLevel1', 'System.AreaLevel2', 'System.AreaLevel3', 'System.AreaLevel4', 'System.Rev', 'System.AutorizedDate', 'System.RevisedDate', 'System.IterationId', 'System.IterationLevel1', 'System.IterationLevel2', 'System.IterationLevel4', 'System.CreatedDate', 'System.CreatedBy', 'System.ChangedDate', 'System.ChangedBy', 'System.AuthorizedAs', 'System.AuthorizedDate', 'System.Watermark'] fields = {} for name, value in workitem.fields.items(): if name in no_copy_fields: continue fields[name] = value fields['System.AreaPath'] = target_area \ if target_area else self.__adjusted_area_iteration(workitem['AreaPath']) fields['System.IterationPath'] = target_iteration \ if target_iteration else self.__adjusted_area_iteration(workitem['IterationPath']) relations = None wi = self.create_workitem(type_, fields, relations, validate_only, bypass_rules, suppress_notifications, api_version) if with_links_and_attachments: wi.add_relations_raw('relations', {}), params) return wi
class TFSClientError(Exception): pass
[docs]class TFSHTTPClient: def __init__(self, base_url, project, user, password, pat, verify=False, timeout=None, auth_type=None): if not base_url.endswith('/'): base_url += '/' collection, project = self.get_collection_and_project(project) self.collection = collection self.project = project # Remove part after / in project-name, like DefaultCollection/MyProject => DefaultCollection # API responce only in Project, without subproject self._url = base_url + '%s/_apis/' % collection if project: self._url_prj = base_url + '%s/%s/_apis/' % (collection, project) else: self._url_prj = self._url self.http_session = requests.Session() if pat is not None: pat = ":" + pat pat_base64 = b'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(pat.encode("utf8")) self.http_session.headers.update({'Authorization': pat_base64}) else: auth = auth_type() if user is None and password is None else auth_type(user, password) self.http_session.auth = auth self.timeout = timeout self._verify = verify if not self._verify: from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_collection_and_project(project): splitted_project = project.split('/') collection = splitted_project[0] project = None if len(splitted_project) > 1: project = splitted_project[1] # If not space if project: project = project.split('/')[0] return collection, project
[docs] def send_get(self, uri, payload=None, project=False, json=True): return self.__send_request('GET', uri, None, payload=payload, project=project, json=json)
[docs] def send_post(self, uri, data, headers, payload=None, project=False): return self.__send_request('POST', uri, data, headers, payload=payload, project=project)
[docs] def send_patch(self, uri, data, headers, payload=None, project=False): return self.__send_request('PATCH', uri, data, headers, payload=payload, project=project)
def __send_request(self, method, uri, data, headers=None, payload=None, project=False, json=True): """ Send request :param method: :param uri: :param data: :param headers: :param payload: :param project: False - add only collection to uri True - add Collection/Project to url, some api need it e.g. WIQL: :param json: True - try to convert response to python-object False - get as is :return: """ url = self.__prepare_uri(uri=uri, project=project) if method == 'POST': response =, json=data, verify=self._verify, headers=headers, params=payload, timeout=self.timeout) elif method == 'PATCH': response = self.http_session.patch(url, json=data, verify=self._verify, headers=headers, params=payload, timeout=self.timeout) else: headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} response = self.http_session.get(url, headers=headers, verify=self._verify, params=payload, timeout=self.timeout) response.raise_for_status() if json: try: result = response.json() if response.status_code != 200: raise TFSClientError('TFS API returned HTTP %s (%s)' % ( response.status_code, result['error'] if 'error' in result else response.reason)) return result except ValueError: raise TFSClientError('Response is not json: {}'.format(response.text)) else: return response def __prepare_uri(self, project, uri): """ Convert URI to URL :param project: :param uri: :return: """ # TODO: Add get from non-standart collection, # e.g. workItemTypes: if uri.startswith('https') or uri.startswith('http'): # If we use URL (full path) url = uri else: # Add prefix to uri url = (self._url_prj if project else self._url) + uri return url